From A to Z – Business Blog 08 – Hemp Answering the Energy Call

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Hemp Answering the Energy Call

From A to Z has been busy with a literary contest, and the SpaceX program. Only the company remains pleased to answer the energy call in response to oil pundits in the wake of the Saudi Oil Attacks.

As a company that specializes in digital documents to help with eliminating tree paper dependency, From A to Z would like to acknowledge one of its staff members has entered into a prestigious literary contest. We’re keeping our fingers crossed with hopes of announcing the winning entry on this Business Blog sometime in 2020.

Also, many of you most likely watched Elon Musk give an update about the new SpaceX space shuttle program. From A to Z’s management team could only feel pride as Mr. Musk concluded his presentation to colonize Mars as fast as possible.

At this time, Hemp production on Mars lingers in the planning phase as the first batch of Hemp recently got transported to the International Space Station for study. We believe this crop will be best suited to help with construction of the first Martian city in the not too distant future.

With all of these hopes for the company and humanity on the horizon, we’re always ready for the next catastrophe. The attack on the Saudi Oil Fields took us all by surprise and could have led to World War III. New car sales have stalled with electric vehicles unable to ramp up production to met demand.

The United States of America also remains politically volatile. Democrats tried to run on a message of Green Energy and once again failed. From A to Z realizes the irony that President Trump has already solved climate change by legalizing Hemp in December of 2018.

While Europeans and Democrats still debate that climate change can only be solved through carbon offset programs, From A to Z sees the vision of the free market - with Hemp now included - becoming the savior of humanity.

Once again, the trillion dollar idea has resurfaced, with the Hemp Graphene Hydrogen Fuel Cell engine at center stage. With Hemp’s new Federally Legal classification, Fuel Cell scientists and car companies have taken a second look at this Noble Prize potential idea first put forth nearly four years ago when the miracle crop still struggled under prohibition.

Hemp Graphene is more efficient that carbon fiber graphene. Hemp Graphene is cheaper than carbon fiber graphene. Hemp Graphene is easier to make than carbon fiber graphene.

Hemp Graphene makes it possible to mass produce Hydrogen Fuel Cell cars for the general public. By using Hydrogen as fuel, the free market economy can utilize existing gas pump station infrastructure. Hydrogen Fuel Cells also help to restore Earth’s atmosphere with H2O exhaust, something that electric vehicles cannot claim.

And while Hemp Graphene makes superior superconductors that can also help electric vehicles, From A to Z would like to see Tesla dissolve into concentrating on SpaceX, using all of these technological advances to speed up the process of creating a multi-planetary species.

Thank you,
From A to Z
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