How Escaping Irma & Not Working for 5 Days Increased our ROI by over 15%

You know why I love this whole online business thing? It's because of the freedom and security.

Wait a minute... Security working for yourself online?

This last week we had hurricane Irma show up at our front door here in Florida.

Angry and strong like nothing before, we thought she'd rip our house apart.


Thankfully that didn't happen to us. What did happen though was that me, my wife and our 4 kitties decided to evacuate to a friends house in Atlanta, just to be safe.

Packed my laptop and some underwear and off we went. 12h drive there, no time to check on my business.

Right before we left, I decided to pause the testing of new ads inside of Facebook and keep the safe ads running only during this time. I put together a quick email and sent out to my list.

And that's all I did during these past 5 days. Funny thing is, pausing the test ads have increased my ROI since many of my "evergreen" and safe ad sets are retargeting ads.

Sometimes it's easy to go full speed ahead testing new strategies and completely forget to stop and reflect on what is actually working.

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We heard stories from people not knowing what to do when they got back. Wondering how they are going to put food on the table.

No income since their place of work was destroyed. It was hard to listen to.

I want more people to at least get introduced to the Online Revolution that's happening right this moment. It's just getting started.

Even if you don't make 1000s and 1000s of dollars you can still create a passive stream of income for yourself by creating a few videos teaching something you know and uploading it to the appropriate platform.

This simple action can create a safety net for you and your family when things like Irma happens.

Doesn't matter what the business is, as long as it's made up by 0s and 1s and you can work on it from wherever you want, whenever you want.

That's worth putting in the work for, don't you think?

If you want to learn how you can use Facebook ads for your specific business, I've put together a 22 minute, free video training for you HERE.

Questions? Please let me know in the comments below.

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