How Your Mind Works For/Against You


See Your Mind Like A Computer Program!

The reason for this is simply because I want to help you gain clarity, though your mind can be likened to a computer, the truth is that your mind is a million times "super" than a computer.

"Under ideal circumstances, a high-end desktop x86 processor can execute over 100 billion instructions per second. Your brain/mind on the other hand...

...processes 400 Billion bits of information a second. BUT, we are ONLY aware of 2,000 of those?" -Dr. Joseph Dispenza

American Biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, who has done an extensive research on genetics. In one of his articles, wrote...

"The most influential perceptual programming of the subconscious mind occurs from birth through age six. During that time, the child’s brain is recording all sensory experiences as well as learning complex motor programs for speech, crawling, standing, and advanced activities like running and jumping.

Simultaneously, the child’s sensory systems are fully engaged, downloading massive amounts of information about the world and how it works.

By observing the behavioral patterns of people in their immediate environment - primarily parents, siblings, and relatives - children learn to distinguish acceptable and unacceptable social behaviors. It’s important to realize that perceptions acquired before the age of six become the fundamental subconscious programs that shape the character of an individual’s life."

Now, here is where I want your attention focused on. In the last paragraph, he said, "...its important to realize that perceptions acquired before the age of six becomes the fundamental subconscious programs that shape the character of an individual’s life."

He just told us that the perception ( i.e. the way we view life) acquired before we get to age six (6), is the initial, or first and major mental programming we get as individuals, that dictates the outcome of our lives. Our failure or success in life is mostly dictated by this fundamental truth.

Other notable figures who threw some lights about the subconscious programming of kids where:

Photo Credit @lexonart

Aristotle. He said, "Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man."

St. Francis Xavier - “Give me the child until he is seven and I'll give you the man”.

Jesuits - "Give us a kid till she's 7 and we'll have her for life"

Once at age seven (7), what controls your life is the paradigm formed in the previous 6years of your life. And it's always kinda difficult to consciously rewrite these habits. - when we were young, it just happened because our minds were still empty, with little or no worries.

Biologist call this state, "Tabula raza."

We find people with confidence, charisma, gusto, and other admirable character traits and we wonder if there are in borne. But the reality is, it's a subconscious programming process.

Now, you're an adult and you want to change these old habits and form new, profiting ones in order to live your dream life, but your old programming seems to be fighting back. In reality, it's not fighting back, but rather it's carrying out the instructions given to it.

That's how you learned how to walk, speak, drive, read and write, and carryout a host of other life's activities without even consciously thinking about it. Your subconscious mind does all the AUTOMATION on your behalf.

Every "conscious" successful man/woman who walked and still walks this planet know these things.

Napoleon Hill spent 20yrs of his life studying more than 500 millionaires. Tony Robins interviewed 50 of the smartest, and top investors in the US and discovered similar patterns.

Men like Elon musk, Donald Trump, Barrack Obama, and the likes, didn't arrive where they are today by mistake. It was a conscious effort.

Success is in stages...

Earl Nightingale defined success as "a progressive realization of a worthy ideal." go from one level to another successfully, you've got to think in a certain way. That means every other person consciously and unconsciously practicing these philosophies and principles will for a certainty arrive at their desired destinations.

Not everyone wants to become the president of a county, some people just want to find happiness, and some other persons just want to be financially free. Even, in all of these desires underlies the same principles at work.

Understand these things, and watch every area of your life transform before your very eyes...

Photo Credit: @lexonart


As aforementioned, the subconscious mind is responsible for our habitual output in life. And it's responsible for our mental programming - Our unconscious mind, is that mind that's active when we're asleep.

Scientists say that 95% of our daily lives is controlled by the subconscious mind. You've been programmed to wake up in the morning, and locate your toothbrush. By learning how to walk as a baby, you've programmed your subconscious mind to do the walking.

Obviously, you don't count your steps when you walked down the road today, it's a subconscious act.

With that said, the best way to upgrade your life and start seeing great results is through mindfulness & personal development.

Personal development begins with self-awareness. Can you operate a newly introduced device or piece of technology perfectly well without first understanding it?

I believe you said no...

You must understand that everyone in this world is different, and unique. No two persons can be the same, no matter how identical they may look.

Your personal development should be the first and most important job in your life. That is because, the best of the bests of your output can only be directly proportional to your collective habits as a human.

I once read a beautiful quote that says it all, "what consumes your mind controls your life".

Here are some great benefits of personal development:

  1. Self-awareness
  2. Clarity
  3. Improved focus and effectiveness
  4. Increased motivation
  5. More fulfilling relationships

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