How to create a business plan in just 3 sentences

I am the author of a top-selling business plan book that's being adopted by entrepreneurship centers at some universities. I've got an innovative new way to plan a business starting with just 3 sentences.

Every business has 3 major components:

  • Product
  • Growth
  • Finances

Here is an example for a restaurant:

  • I am starting an Italian fine dining restaurant
  • I'll promote it through a beautiful storefront with high foot traffic and online via local Google SEO and sites like Yelp
  • I'll need to raise $100,000 to start this business and take it to break-even which should happen 12 months from now

See how almost the entire business scope is covered here and the rest of the details about this business can follow?

This kind of a 3-sentence plan is easy to extrapolate into a 1-page plan and then to a full business plan.

Let's try another business plan for a very different business, a mobile app:

  • I am working on a mobile app that will help people write a business plan
  • I will promote with ASO (app store search), social sharing and publicity
  • The app will make money by selling business plan books, online training and business coaching

See how easy that is?

Here are the benefits of this approach:

  • You don't get stuck and confused
  • It helps you focus on the most important parts of the business first


Create your own business plan and post it in the comments of this post. I'll give you feedback on your plan!

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