I am not a rich kid, and therefore I will always try my best to make my parents happy

Do you often complain about life? Feeling unfair and whining hoping for a better life. complaining won't make things better. Even parents only teach three words; brave, struggling, and passionate.

We complain because we are born into a family without. We assume that the rich person must be very happy. Then we loudly protest to God and parents, why was I born like this? Being born from a poor family is not a mistake. The real mistake is when you don't want to rise from poverty and become a successful person.
Our lives depend on what we use to fill them. We see what we choose to see, believe what we want to believe and get something from what we do.

There is no success that can be achieved in this life without working

Work diligently, then successful achievements will open in front of you. The ability to work diligently is very important in achieving success.

All successful people have goals, not unclear goals, but specific goals that are clearly defined. No one can go anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to do or what he wants to be. Have a definite, prayer-oriented goal.
You do what you have to do in life, ask God for direction. Come to think of it, only life directed by God can achieve true and fundamental success.

Don't be afraid to fail, the real failure is that we don't try

Not continuing to try, or not getting up again each time we fall. Learning from the past, and using it as an opportunity to grow, rise, and move forward is important.

Give God a chance
If we feel we have failed, seriously consider giving God a chance. God wants to change us from the inside out.

Failure is the best opportunity for God to do and do something beautiful in our lives. Then change our failure into a valuable experience, a stepping stone to make ourselves better. God not only says that failure is never the last word, but that our weaknesses will become our strength.

Thank you
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