NO TO BULLYING ( Anti-bullying campaign)

Hello Fellow Steemian. This post was inspired by a good friend, who is also a writer, a motivator and an inspiration to me since I joined this platform. I know her to be

The post is actually about bullying. She wrote a post which link is shared below about bullying and I commented on it but I was advice by her to share it with everybody and am going to do that now.


MY STORY (My Heroic ordeal)
The reason why I want to share this real life experience is because I was actually the victim in question. Bullying was a common thing in the environment where I grew up. It was more of SURVIVAL OF THE FITNESS situation. Only the strong can survive.

For some who have been victim of bullying, you probably have your parent, guardian or your elderly siblings to defend you at some point. But for me there was no parent (or guardian) to stand up for me or should I say the society expect me to stand up and defend myself from any form of bullying.


It was during my days in college that David my classmate, who seems to be taller than me and also good at boxing, will come and bully me. Is so scary that his presence alone puts fear into my spine even when is not doing anything. I am an extrovert by temperament, but I learn to keep quiet anytime David is around me.

He is fond of slapping me for no reason, pulling my cloths ,collecting my things(belongings) without my consent, ridiculing me in the presence of fellow classmate, calling me names and all other sort of terrible things. It was so bad that I am always scared just by hearing his voice. I mean his voice alone, how much more his presence.


Though, I am not the only one that gets bullied by David. So many other students are also his victim. He derives joy from it and does not feel any remorse bullying us all.

But on this particular faithful day I gave myself some pet-talk and self-talk by making sure I put an end to his bullying because it was more of a daily thing for him. I summon all courage to face my fear. Now getting to school that day, he came to me as usual to bully me for no reason, but from nowhere I told him NO to the instruction he was given me.


Doing that to him made him to be angry and furious and ready to swallow me like Goliath would have loved to consume David in the bible. So, he intends to punch me in the face, but I was able to dodge his punch, and I lifted him up from the floor, then on the ground he went. Immediately I jumped on him and started punching him before one of our teachers came to separate us. Since that day I gained my freedom from been getting bullied by David. Though, we became best of friends after the incident.

Sharing this experience now kind of made me happy, and as well as seeing myself as an HERO to other children because many of them got their freedom from him (David), and many other bullies like him. He was more like the toughest guy in my school but He suddenly became an ordinary person to everybody. Thanks to me because I became everybody's hero.


Now back to the story shared by in her post as explained in the link above, which I would advise every parents and guardians to read. I commented by saying ''the fact that she could even tell the girl( the bully) not to touch Dani (her daughter) again or else her dad will be dealt with (quoting" shows how brave a woman she was and I think my own mum would have done the same.

In conclusion, I will like to say that parent need to always inquire fromm the children how their day went, because that can actually lead to getting some vital information from them. And such information might be a bullying situation. People need to know that bullying is not good physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Parent need to watch out for this in their children irrespective of the gender of the child.


Bullying naturally affects a child self-esteem and personality. Parent and guardian should also talk regularly to their wards about bullying others and not been allowed to be bullied. Let save a life by saying #NOTOBULLYING.

Love you all and thank you for taken out time to read this.

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