Hello Fellow Steemian. Will like to start by saying this again and again that the first edition of this campaign series was inspired by a good friend, who is also a writer, a motivator and an inspiration to me since I joined this platform. I know her to be @michelle.gent.

Thank you so much because sharing this past experiences is like lifting a burden off my heart and I also want to say thank you to all those that drop their comment, re-steemed and up-voted the first part of this campaign series. I really celebrate and appreciate you all. Lets keep the fire burning by re-steeming.

The link to the first part of this post is given below:



Now, I never had the intention of writing anything further about this post, but I just found out that most of the behaviors displayed by some of us as kids while growing up where things we actually learnt from somewhere either consciously or


To my amazement I realized that some kids behave the way they behave due to the things they've encountered in the hands of their parent, though unknowingly to the parent or guardian. SO, THIS IS MORE LIKE A WAKE UP CALL TO ALL PARENTS AND GUARDIANS TO TREAD SOFTLY in order not to raise a BULLY instead of a cautious and calm child.

What is a bully?
A bully is someone who is regularly overbearing and domineering. He or she looks to cause humiliation or discomfort to another, particularly if that other is weaker or smaller. Maybe a bully is even a COWARD like I shared in my experience in the first post, but always looking for a way to hide his cowardice. Bullying can be physical, emotional or mental discomfort and humiliation.


<It is important to understand that bullying goes beyond physical intimidation. Many people don’t realize that emotional and mental bullying can have just as many long lasting effects as physical bullying – even though the effects are of different kinds. The effects from abuse by parents that bully are no less severe>

Why do parent bully their child? Probably because they are also been bullied by their partners or even their own parent while growing up, which makes them feel inferior, so they turn it on their kids.


Why Parents?

Most parents damage their children emotionally all in the name of discipline or correcting them. Don’t get me wrong on this. I am not saying that children should not be disciplined or corrected when they did something that is wrong, but the punishment or correction should not focus on affecting the child personality, but that particular thing that he or she did wrongly. Attack the wrong deed in the child and not the child's personality. The more reason why parent or guardian need to understand their child’s behavior and temperament.


A story…………
While growing up I know a girl of 8 years of age who was the same age with me during the time I am talking about. We were to start school together then but I noticed she doesn't like anything that has to do with schooling. Instead she would prefer to go around looking for trouble all over the place. She has this believe that she can beat anybody no matter who that person is. She was daring to a level that even her parent could not handle her again. Though they contributed to this behavior.


She became a terror both to her environment and to herself. By the time she was 15 years of age, she has already became a monster. And please when I used the word MONSTER, I actually mean a monster because those of us that are of the same age with her could not even play with her anymore due to her negative and bad behavior.


She has lost those things that made her to be called a girl or a lady. She was so aggressive and highly temperamental. She behaves abnormally even in a normal situation. She has lost her identity as a child that can have a great future.



My answer is the parent, but in this situation the mother. WHY?

I remember very well how her mother used to maltreat her then. It was something that should be called child abuse. She (mother) would beat her uncontrollably for any little mistake. She does not give her the chance to explain herself before she gets beaten up by her.


She would curse her because she feels she was always the one at fault no matter the situation on ground. All this and many other unbearable circumstances contributed to her bullying behavior and as well disrupting her emotionally, mentally and physically while growing up as a child.
This is just to cut a long story short. END OF STORY………

The mother of the girl in the situation mentioned above was not sensitive enough to see that what she was doing to her was actually wrong and could destroy the girl in the nearest future which was exactly what happen to her.
Try to imagine the girl in question in a school environment. She would naturally behave in strange manner because of what she has been exposed to.


Note: Mentioning the mother in this situation does not mean that fathers don’t also bully? They do, but it just that it was the mother that was involved in this particular story. (Not gender biased).

Solution to this from the above mentioned experience, and also how I deal with my children right now, is to always correct whatever they are not doing wrongly and as well give attention to how they can be better in terms relating with the outside world. Parent needs to know that children are not meant to be bullied but trained to become better individuals to their environment and the world at large.


In conclusion, parents should know they have a lot of work to do in order to make sure they control how they relate with their children on a regular basis.

“Every child given birth to is a nation, and the type of nation the child would become has a lot to do with what you (parent) are teaching the child now.”

We need to know that most serial killers, armed robbers, hired assassins, drug dealers and even terrorist are either a victim of bullying or is been bully at some point in their life.


Every bully you know is someone’s son or daughter, so they did not fall from heaven and as such proper nurturing of a child from home can put a stop to the issue of bullying in our schools and the world at large. Parent should stand up to their responsibilities and do the needful.


I will always say #NOTOBULLYING , what about you?.

Thank you so much for taken out time to read this post. Please, don’t forget to drop your comment and…………………………………….

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