Rich Dad Poor Dad: Lesson #1 Don't Work, Own BitCoin and Ethereum

I am currently reading Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad

Lesson #1
is "The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them."

What does this mean?

In short poor and middle class people have one thing in common
they work for money

NO work = NO pay (money)

very simple and very true

What Robert wants us to understand in this first lesson is that we must become owners
we must own businesses or shares of a business
without us having to go and work,
grow and generate income

That is how to get rich
don't work for money, but invest your money in ways that generate income
without you having to work for a paycheck

Robert makes an interesting point when he tells a story his Rich Dad told him
about a donkey following a carrot on a stick while pulling a wagon for its owner

He says that the owner is going where he/she wants, but the donkey chasing the carrot is chasing an illusion

That illusion for everyday people is the paycheck
which is what the owner uses to get where he/she wants,
which is a greater return on his/her investment

In short Robert and his Rich Dad are say "Stop being the worker and start being the owner"
That is the way of the Rich

My take,
If you are reading this you are for sure familiar with cryptocurrencies
and how they are changing the financial landscape

to use Robert's advice in today's age
we can invest our money in ICOs or in strong alternative currencies like BitCoin or Etherum

Yes these things won't make us rich over night, but our money is working while we are not,
which is a good start.

I'll be posting lesson two tomorrow

Hope this helps! :)

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