Build-it Stats | December 2019

Hi everyone and please welcome to our monthly stats. This is our second post on monthly stats. A lot of interesting information for your tribe.


We will be looking at the number of tokens issued, top earners, staking, activity on the web, prices etc.

The following topics will be covered:

  • Tokens distribution (Issued Build tokens),
  • Top Earners for the month
  • Staking and top Stakers
  • Share of tokens staked
  • Number of users
  • Posts and comments activities on the platform
  • Posting from interface,
  • Price Chart

Issued BUILD Tokens

Let’s take a look into token distribution, inflation and how it is distributed.
Below is a chart that represents the cumulative issued BUILD token.


A total of 416k BUILD tokens issued till December 2019.
The number of tokens started with 100k and then growth over time.

Now let’s see the daily issued tokens for December 2019.
Here is the chart.


Note: Issued tokens are claimed token that are put in circulation. They are different from the inflation.

Since the platform is new, we can see that there are a few spikes in the issued tokens daily. On December 8th there is a 21k tokens issued due to a large claim from an admin account.

On average there is around 3000 BUILD tokens issued daily. In December 2019 the total amount of issued BUILD tokens is 92,076 tokens.

Top 10 BUILD Earners for the period

Now that we saw how the numbers on the tokens are issued let’s see how those are being distributed. How much do the top 10 received and how much the rest? How many accounts earned BUILD tokens?

Here is the chart of the Top 10 BUILD earners in the period.


On the top is the build official account curator with 27,830 tokens, followed by with 7.4k and @monsterjamgold with 2.8k tokens.

Out of the 92k issued tokens in the month, the top 10 earned 49k or 59]3% share of the reward pool.

Staked Tokens

Staking is an important part of the tokenomics as it shows how much of the tokens are out of the market and put in use.

Below is the chart with overall BUILD staked tokens.


The staking started in September and it continue to grow since then.

Now the daily staking for the last month.
Here is the chart of the net staked tokens for the month.


A total of 21,880 BUILD tokens staked in the month.
The charts include net staking for each day and there is only one day with negative net staking in the period, meaning there was one day with more tokens unstaked than staked. On this day a large amount of tokens was unstaked from one of the top holders.

Top 10 BUILD Stakers in the period

Who is doing the staking? Here is the chart of the Top 10 BUILD stakers in the period analyzed.


On the top is the build official account @monsterjamgold with almost 3k tokens staked, followed by @dustindivitto with 2.8k and @cloudblade with 1612 tokens.

Share of Tokens Staked

Below is a chart of the ratio staked/unstaked BUILD tokens.


A 65% tokens staked!
The share of the tokens staked is a bit down from last month when it was around 77%.

Out of the current supply 416k tokens, around 271k are staked, and 145k are liquid at the end of December.


How is the BUILD community doing with the number of users?

Below is a chart with the number of unique users that posted on the Build-it web. These are users that posted directly from the web.


A total of 65 unique user have posted from the Build-it frontend.
The users who posted from other frontends and included the tag #build-it are not included in the chart above.

Activities on Build-it

Below is a char of the activities on Build-it, including posting and commenting from the Build-it interface and posting and commenting with the #build-it tag.


We can see that the majority of the posting still comes from other interfaces with the tag #build-it. Interesting to see that there is a lot of commenting on the build-it frontend.

Here is the chart only for posts from build-it interface.


There is still not as much of posting from the frontend, but as mentioned the number of comments is doing much better.

Posts and comments from the Build-it interface

Below is the chart on the posts and comments from the Build-it web, in the period.


A total of 40 post in December with 463 comments on the frontend. Great number of comments and engagement.


Here is the price chart for the BUILD token with daily candles.


The build token has stabilized around the 0.02 STEEM in the last few months, then dropped in the last days of December to around 0.005, with a big gap between the buy and sell orders.

Build-it a community for DIY (do it yourself) projects, How-to tutorials and life hacks.

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