Do not spoil your today for yesterday

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Once Lord Buddha arrived in a village. When he was preaching there, there was also a fierce person in him. Every person present in the congregation was listening to everything from Lord Buddha with great care, but this angry man was seen to be all things vain.

After listening to the discourse for some time, he got angry over Lord Buddha. He started opposing everything he said. Lord Buddha was not disturbed by listening to his bitter words. He stayed in a calm nature. The angry person became even more angry when no response was received. He insulted Lord Buddha and went from the meeting.

On the second day when his anger became calm, he regretted his actions. He started searching Lord Buddha all over the village. Lord Buddha had already gone to another village. He inquired about the people and went to the village, where Lord Buddha was. Seeing them, he fell at his feet and said, God forgive me.

Lord Buddha asked, what are you asking for forgiveness for? Then the person said, I am the God who humiliated you yesterday. I am very embarrassed about what I did. I am apologizing for that. Upon listening to him, Lord Buddha said that yesterday I left the place. You're still stuck there. You got the impression of your mistake. Now you enter today. Do not spoil your today due to yesterday. From that moment on, the life of that grumpy person changed. Instead of anger, the stream of love started flowing in her mind.

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