Whether God Exists or Not - Buddha


The Buddha is a symbol of Enlightenment. He carries with him the wisdom of the ages, the passing of civilizations, and an ageless creature that can be recognized at any time or place. As a symbol of peace and harmony, he is revered by billions of Hindus, Buddhists and other Eastern religions.

The Buddha never said whether God exists or not. He taught that people should not look at the gods to save them or bring them enlightenment. That was their job. The gods might have power over world events and they might help people but even if they do people will still be responsible for their own lives.

He was not a god and in many ways, he is like a man and has faults and he is like a god in mercy and as a devil in his love of laughter. But they say when you see him you will understand something true about the world and something good in yourself and this is true whether gods exist or not.

Buddha provides a way of understanding the world without resorting to gods. Salvation or enlightenment is not a gift from the gods, but believers must seek out salvation for themselves. The way can be difficult. Buddha claims that one must work hard at it but unlike some other religions, it does not promise anything except freedom from worldly desires. The Buddha never believed that he would become a god that saves people. He was a human being who thought deeply about life and thought people to be good so they could come back to the world of gods.

Struck by endless suffering caused by world events and people’s bad actions Buddha left his palace and discovered a way to end suffering. He thought that people can find their inner peace and happiness by stopping their unwholesome actions and thoughts.

The Buddha was not a god and he was not made by gods. The Buddha was born one midnight under the stars. He grew up like any other person until one day he saw reality directly and understood what it means to be alive. And so thought us to see the world as it is, to see life as it is to find freedom within ourselves and to find freedom everywhere around us.

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