Do we need 32 ICO's in December?

I love looking into what's coming down the line. It's hard to find a solid coin that I can't get a little excited about. But there are at least 32 ICO's in December alone.

Do we need this many coins? At what point do all these coins just over saturate the market?
I like ICO's in 2 circumstances.
1, when I think I'm going to make money. Like Falcon coin. I know I've already doubled my money... just as soon as the servers are back up.....
2, when I am able to get so excited about the coin that I tell my wife, who cares nothing about crypto, about the coin while she's trying to shower and get ready for work. Then I proceed to tell ten other people that I know don't care because I think they should care. These are coins like BlockStack. I fucking love BlockStack.

I love that all of these coins are specialized. I feel like trying to take down BTC as the "go to coin" is a bad tactic (at least to start). Securing your nitch and expanding is a wonderful way to make headway in business, so why wouldn't it work for currency?

There are at least 30+ more coming out in January, and 12+ already slated for February.

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My initial reaction is to say we don't need all these currencies. But then, if most peopel arn't involved in cryptocurrency and it's still in it's infantcy, we may actually need more kinds of crypto/blockchain solutions that we already have.

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