Bitcoin & MGTOW and the threat to hypergamous women.

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The best way to understand this whole situation, where fewer than 4% of women are involved in the cryptocurrency space, is to understand the focus most women take when it comes to financial security. The problem with fewer women in cryptocurrency is significant because #Bitcoin and #MGTOW represent a huge disruptive future in a culture steeped in feminism and natural feminine #Hypergamy.

Game Theory offers the best explanation of why less women are interested in this and more men invest in their skills and financial success -which makes them more attractive to women. Conversely, women invest most of their effort and money into their looks in order to find a man that is financially successful. The explanation is clear most women do not see that they are financially responsible for themselves and in the long run they choose to focus on things that make them appear to have more #SexualMarketValue, over spending that time building marketable skills and investing their money wisely. A man knows that his success and Financial Security is his responsibility, a good 90% of women will simply choose to latch onto a successful man, and still they will complain about patriarchy and lack of entitlements for women.

MGTOW thinkers understand this and focus on building and investing into their future, without the greatest risk men face in regards to marriage contracts that sign away men's financial sovereignty and children which women and the state have used to legally game resources from fathers with no rights. The most important decisions a parent make is how to provide for your child, child support paid to mothers gives women all the financial decisions and it alienates the fathers who face imprisonment if they refuse or fall behind in this type of extortion scheme.

This is a very dangerous situation for women because men are starting to understand the value of MGTOW, and are beginning to refuse that masculine gender role along with marriage and even the hope of ever becoming a father in a country that does not allow fathers to have a real legally protected role in the lives of their children. This is going to leave the few smart women that actually think about their financial responsibility for themselves, with a lot of options in the future. One of the options that is clearly available to such women is the ability to have a working honest, loving, non-exploitative relationships/partnerships with a man.

MGTOW & Bitcoin will represent a huge financial reality check for women who play the hypergamy game, especially if it becomes a Global Currency which means most of the wealth will go to men who are smart, disruptive and predominantly younger these are all things which MGTOW has in common...can you say #BitcoinDiggers ?

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