You need to know a few important points to succeed in the market Kribtu: -

First: Currency projects based on the purification Albulocchin first Vlazem known means er Blukchen er is the idea and Les Ptattabr revolution in the digital domain and er are smart contracts (smart contract) Vvhmk technology Albulocchin lets you have the ability to read and distinguish strong and profitable projects
Second needed determine for yourself if you Investor, trader or investor with some
investors usually target strong projects and have a long term goal (3-5 years) or average (1-3 years). The trader is always dependent on the technical analysis of the chart and the formation of short deals

The two points are very important in that you determine for yourself the general framework in which you are moving and not having them, it causes you a great deal of confusion in decisions, randomness, loss or a little profit.

Third: The capital to enter the market Krypto Be significantly determines your trends and what is better for you to be an investor in the long, medium or short

Ok now you let us speak of how to get the value we define a strong and profitable projects in the long term and medium
Hzkouglkm how to get the estimated decomposition of any project in such a point and Hishrah you examples of my words ,
but in the first love remind you that it is important that you are trying to understand Albulocchin technology as much as possible his delegation Hasaadk very , very

Any project that knows its strength of four important points (White paper - Road Map - Project Team - Project Supply)

1 - White Paper
need to meet in the project site is a short comprehensive project idea and comprehensive explanation that you have to read and show the idea of ​​the project? Is the idea of ​​the project new and do not compete with the project in the market already? Is not the idea of ​​the project weak and not distinctive? Whatever the idea of ​​the project is unique and unique competitors in the market all that means that the project is strong and distinctive because there are competitors in the market, for example

Quantstamp project is a unique, strong and malosh project in the market and its idea in short is to review and secure smart contracts by detecting gaps and weaknesses in smart contracts. With increasing volume of funds being pumped into the market and increasing value of conversions, the importance of securing and auditing smart contracts has increased.

Publica project is a project for competitors in the market and its idea that it is aimed at writers and writers in publishing their books and their stories without any intermediary and thus the commission of the following party and the project will be available to competitors in the market like but the difference is that is not specialized for books but it is comprehensive media, They have a Decent competitor, a project closer to, which is all-encompassing Digital Media

The idea of ​​a competing project is that you know the position of the project that you are studying in comparison with the competing projects. Usually, the price of the link is the strongest project in which the goal is to buy the project that you are studying in my bucket, unless the projects are all new, for example
Coss Project is a project for the Coss platform and the currency The price of the dollar is close to $ 2 and the project De Lihtin is a competitor in the market. BNB has the currency of the Binance site and its price is above $ 18 and the second competitor is KuCo Shares. It is the currency of the KuCoins trading platform which has a price of over $ 17,
so as long as the Coss project is similar to The two meanings mean that it is Hmshi on their line and that the price will reach the same level or more or less by force difference

2 - Road Map
The road map or we can say the schedule of the project and the project where the project plan is linked to time All updates of the project will be mentioned and the strong project is to be able to adhere to the road map and estimate the definition of the part of the road map if the project committed to her and not to

3 - Project Team
The project team must be mentioned and determined and all the team has a large number of members and a previous experience in the market or in the projects of the Crypto all Mazazat the strength of the project in addition to that if the limit of the team worked in strong companies before the Google Ze - Facebook - Amazon - Uber all that increased the team's strength

4 - Project Supply
Number of currencies of the project to be put or pumped in the market, each number was lower, all the rate of growth rate of the currency very fast and access to large possible price numbers and all the number of the number of all the currency slowed in its growth because it is facing cases of inflation in certain stages in addition to Because it needs to pump a larger amount of funds, for example:

The Publica Project The number of currencies offered 33 million currency, the price of 3 weeks was 25 cents and the price of the price exceeded the $ 3 and target it reached for $ 50
project Coss the number of currencies offered 200 million currency price of two weeks was 23 cents and the nadir is at $ 2, The $ 30-dollar
Quantstamp project brought the total number of currencies offered by 976 million, from 3 weeks to 11 cents and 65 cents, with a target of US $ 50-100.
The change in the number of currencies offered was 79 million, the price of which was 40 cents, Dollar and target it reaches (30-50) dollars
project Flixxo number of currencies displayed 18 9 million, the price of two weeks was 10 cents and 75 cents, and target it reached (20-30) dollars

Compared to other hard currencies, such as Cardano, which is offered 45 billion of its price from a month of 10 cents to 90 cents (note the slow growth rate despite the strength of the currency) and
compared to the proposed Stellar project 103 billion and the price of a month was 14 cents and 65 cents (note Slow growth rate despite currency strength)

The four conditions I mentioned are if you achieve a strong currency with an accelerated rate of growth and high price targets over the medium and long term

It is a point of violin bonus. If you received a project that is applicable to the previous four points and is not on the platforms famous and strong, like Binance or Bittrex, it means a greater opportunity for you to buy because the time is added to the platforms have a large liquidity means that you Htshof leaps of the price and the fastest growth rate after the addition

Nigi for an important point, namely, the private capital
department. For me, I am in the Capital Division, divided into two parts,
the first part is 90%, and I invest in the strong projects over the medium and long term, as
the second division explained to you 10%, and it is traded in the short term. Of the specific areas on the chart and with a short purpose and purpose is to provide the 10% rate and increase the increase after the period invested in the medium and long-term projects
Note: 10% of them invest in the short term as much as possible by entering their desire to strong projects so as to provide chances of success and completely after From entering into the projects Fiber or slow growth as much as possible

If the head of a small owner, it is better that you find a strong project applies to the four conditions of the previous and invest in the small amount and as it grows, take a profit from it and add it to the project Tani

Some important points:
1- We know that the market is a new market and the world is not like its house, and that it is like any market in the world based on supply and demand and that the size of large investments will be pumped into the market in the year 2018, hence the demand will be large in the market and the market is expected. Reaching its market value at the end of 2018 to $ 3 trillion and d. It means that all investors invest their currencies in strong currencies and maintain them until the end of 2018, achieving very high profits
2 - the market movement is always working as a human movement Why human Beethrk Brefh man and descends a man moving as the same words in the market as he moves and climbs must move to the top and then come down Tani for a little and then move to the top and then descend to the bottom of the total and thus the total grossness in the other, The total movements that have been sold (the ups and downs) are the basic movement, which is the price of the price because it moves to the top and it is not a rebound down the price of the price is estimated to take the momentum that pays the price because it moves to the top
3 - All Mazad rate of risk All Mazadt profit rate and the world is not BATQAB MARKET For Crapto, there are so many restrictions, but with the acceptance of the world to the market after a period, God willing. After the same technology is applied to the world, it facilitates a lot of restrictions and reduces the risk
4 - With the future and the development of the market remains difficult It is difficult to get after the coins in the cents Zlokti as far as possible Try to take advantage of the current time You provide the head of the owner by entering into strong transactions
5 - Smartly you are taking part or proportion of long - term deals after the investigation A great success rate and drop it in new projects as to provide the head of the actual owner, for example if I bought 1200 currency of project number 1 at 10 cents and the currency reached a dollar or two or ten as you think and appeared before you a strong and promising new project and price, for example 15 cents it is smart you get a percentage Of the successful project # 1 and let 200 currencies be sold and sold See them in project number 2

Finally: -
All the projects I mentioned as examples of small are strong projects and their future is very promising and estimated to be taught by yourself and apply the conditions and is estimated to revolve on new projects yourself and apply the conditions,
but most of the projects to be nominated is a project Quantstamp project strong and distinctive and Malosh rivals and Tim distinctive and strong The project has reached 65 cents currently, knowing that the first update of the project is to show the light in the second quarter of 2018 means in April, God willing, a
guest at this point. Quantum is a factor of Airdrop. Airdrop means that every investor in the project buys coins and keeps them He will keep his ratio after coveted in all A contract is to be reviewed. It is not intended to increase the value of the currency against you in order to add to your balance the other currencies for all contracts that are reviewed for what the project actually operates

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