I also promised you dear recruits to you a simple article about the currency cycle and the course of the coinmarketcap

I also promised you dear recruits to you a simple article about the currency cycle and the course of the marquette, in which I tried what can be addressed this strategy with some simplicity, and away from the complexity .....

  • Currency cycle and the cycle of the *

For years traders have been following a range of schools and methodologies to analyze financial markets, whether it's the commodities market, the stock market, the bond market, the traditional currency market (Forex), the digital currency market ..., and studies that help In addition to the Japanese candlesticks, the direction chart, the identification of the supports and the indicators, and the technical indices, the study of the course is one of the methodologies that the trader must learn in order to not fall into the buying at the top , or sell at the bottom .... and
sell Da for Byzantine written, we will try to simplify the task of strategic trading these circumstances ....

*** Currency cycle *** The currency
cycle is a set of stages through which the currency moves during the price movement starts from the minimum value, to reach the highest value, followed by a set of corrections that may conclude with a free fall that restores the currency to the same value that was launched, Is less than that value ....
Here is an important central question is:

What are the criteria that make you determine the entry and exit points at the start of a currency cycle what !!!

There are a set of criteria that help identify entry and exit points.

** First: Criteria for determining entry points

The technical
indicator shows that the currency indicator has a stable price movement, as if the currency is in a rest period, and the assistive indicators indicate the end of the oversold phase, whether it is the Bollinger bands or the Momentum (RSI) Possibility of a strong purchasing phase .....

  • The news standard
    is the positive news about the currency to be studied, which makes traders rush to buy them before the price explosion, especially if the news is strong as a partnership or hard fork or segwet ....

  • Digital standard:
    Note a set of large orders and expected in the purchase box, and the volume of currency trading began to rise, which foreshadowed the occurrence of a missile boom of the currency ....

** Second: Criteria for determining exit points:

After the price move in the bullish direction, the trader finds it difficult to identify the exit points, fearing the rise in the price of the currency after selling, or decline after the decision to retain, so must keep pace with the currency to enter trading against it, until it is out of the deal and its own. ...

And the criteria adopted during the same entries that were approved upon entry:

  • Technical criterion:
    Based on Elliott waves (very important and contribute immeasurably in determining the points of the Kharouj)

  • Digital standard:
    Notice abnormal sales wave, many sale orders .... If you compare with purchase orders ....

  • News Standard:
    Negative news may reflect the trend from the upside to the downside, such as postponing the date for a specific event such as Hardfork .... or the positive news may be exhausted, it does not become effective ...

** Important note **
The currency may start trading at a high price, and then rise by the volume of trading and large orders for many, and after the completion of the cycle decreases, but that is, that when the decline reached the point from which it started, imagine the trader as the end of the session, He enters into a purchase, but the currency falls on the value that started, and up to low values ​​....
Here the trader should be aware that there are a lot of currencies when entering the platforms, deliberately enter high values ​​do not fit the nature of the project or with the number The currency is very large and does not match the quality of the platforms that you trade in Here is the point to note that there are many currencies have the purpose of entering the values ​​of the value, which is selling at high prices ... So please traders to do a thorough analysis to see if there is a fit for the price of currency with the number and strength and volume of circulation .. ...
Also, in the opposite direction, there are traders who follow the currency at its high price and download all the criteria that hit the currency of the head of the session, or the summit, and based on the Elliott waves, this trader will get out of the deal at a good profit, but which is that the currency, although it completed the conventional waves But the currency is correcting a third and starting to complete the fourth wave, the trader wonders why, there is a strong positive news came as a support for the currency to make traders In return for her, with b ROWOZ Another category has bought an interactive story with this news, which has led to its stalemate.

*** *** cycle Almarki
simply as the currency cycle, Voadha cycle of the supermarket, where they are at certain times of the year the migration of capital from a major platform for the other platform, there is a platform or platforms in the months of rising political star and the star Gavle in other months ...
and also Even the quality of the currency plays a large role ... In one year, we find certain times when the values ​​of the classical currencies rise, and other times we find the bonds have imposed themselves strongly, and there is a stage erupting Btkwin, or decreases .....
So these declines or The rise of platforms, and the emergence of other platforms ...
is not a coincidence, but there are studies and analyzes based on scientific and logical evidence Contribute significantly to the correctness of the decision.

*** Conclusion *** To
study the currency cycle or the market, you must combine the various analytical schools, keep pace with the currency from the point of entry until the end of the transaction, and a precise and timely observation of price action, and its relation to various developments that may lead to appreciation of the currency, Make them ventilate, and cools with the working capital.

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