Some people may ask; what does this life mean? If we look at the many answers to this one question. Some answer that life is money. So every second of this life that is sought is money. This means that if he does not have the money, it is as if his life has been lost. Others say that life is a position. So every second sought is position. Others see life as an opportunity to have fun. So for this class of worldly pleasures is the ultimate goal sought after.

My brother-God blessed-this life is a very precious opportunity for us. Do not let us waste the life of this world for something that is not clear and will disappear. Pleasure of this world even if we want to think well, then not long. Just a minute, is not it? Allah ta'ala says (which means), "As if seeing the Day of Judgment, they are not alive (in the world) except for just a moment in the day or a moment in the time of dhuha." (Surat an-Nazi'at: 46)

Then what should we do in this world? An interesting question. A question that we will find the answer in the Qur'an. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "I do not create jinn and men but that they may worship Me." (Surat adz-Dzariyat: 56). Do not misunderstand first ... Do not mistake that it means every second we must be in the mosque, or every second we have to read the Qur'an, or every day we must fast, not at all ... Worship, includes all the words and deeds beloved by God. God does not want us every second to be in the mosque. God also does not want us to read every second of the Qur'an. All worship is there time. The most important thing for us is to do what God loves no matter what our circumstances and where we are.

Among the things that are required of us is always to remember Allah, as the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is a person who has many dhikr and remembrance of Allah in all conditions. Ibn Taymiyyah once said, "Dhikr for the heart is like water for the fish. So what will happen to a fish if it is taken out of water? ". The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam even said, "The parable of those who remember Allah with those who do not remember Allah is like the parable of the living with the dead." (Narrated by Bukhari)

By remembering God, we will be careful in living this life. Because God is constantly watching over us and knowing what we say, what we do, anywhere and anytime. Nothing is hidden from Him the slightest thing. This is what we should always inculcate in our hearts. Therefore the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam advised, "Serve Allah wherever you are" (Tirmidhi). We must fear God both when we are at home, on the street, on campus, in markets or wherever we are, when with people and when we are alone.

To be a cautious person how? Brother-may God guide us-that piety will be achieved when we always remember the day of vengeance and prepare to face it by living His teachings. As Ali bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu'anhu said that piety is, "Fear of God, do good deeds with revealed revelations, and prepare to welcome the Day of Resurrection." Allahu a'lam.

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