SMS Broadcasting Software To Promote Your Brand in Market

Keep it short. Keep it sweet. That is short messaging for you. It works. No one has time or patience to listen to live callers. Send messages to your targets’ mobile phones. Recipients check all messages immediately or later but they do check. If your message has a call to action and provided it has something that motivates him, the recipient will surely respond.

SMS broadcasting software for bulk SMS

One may assume that sending SMS is easy since all it needs is a mobile phone. However, there are issues in that the service provider may restrict number of SMS you can send and it also takes time besides being expensive. If you plan to engage in brand promotion on a mass scale then you should be looking at SMS broadcasting software you can use as a hosted solution or as an on-premise solution. Importantly, voice broadcast is bundled in, allowing you to send out voice messages and SMS in bulk.

Feature set

However, it is the feature set of broadcasting software for SMS that proves invaluable in promotional campaigns. Get the right SMS broadcast software and you get all these features bundled in:
Multilingual support – write message in one language and get language converted to any other. You also have text to speech and speech to text conversions.
Campaign management: You can design and plan campaigns to address various demographics, by location, by income or by gender making for a fine-honed promotion.
Scheduling: You can schedule SMS to be sent out at a time when it costs the least for you or at a time when you assume targets are likely to read and respond.
Automation: You can create lists from your CRM, schedule transmission and then leave it to the software to send out SMS. Thousands of SMS are broadcast in just a couple of minutes. If you are announcing a last minute sale, this can work wonders in getting bulk responses.
Tracking, monitoring: Your SMS software naturally includes tracking and monitoring to know just how effective your campaign is and to weed out numbers that are not responsive.
Additional functionality; you may include an IVR number in the message and configure IVR according to campaign goal. Responding numbers can be ported to CRM for further follow ups.

SMS is still effective

Despite the rise of other digital channels of promotions, SMS is the cheapest and still effective. Recipients read message, store it for future use or respond immediately leading to higher lead generation and conversion.

Whereas it may take time to craft email or other promotional ads and content, it does not take long to craft SMS messages. This means you can initiate promotions with speed and know results in an hour. Make SMS broadcasting software a part of your marketing effort and you will enjoy highest returns on your investment. In some ways it is far more effective than cold calling that usually get the cold shoulder.


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