I need help bringing my baby girls home..

Five years ago on September 17th 2012.. I had given birth to my oldest offspring.. Her name is EmilyRobin Thoreson.


Her father.. My ex lover.. Was sent to jail bor being abusive and threatening us.. He had been off his meds and was very dangerous to himself and others.. I tried to get them to take him to a psych ward to get him inyo proper care, but they took him to jail instead..


He was issued a no contact order when he was released and was ordered not to come back to our apartment for any reason.. He came back more than 5 times.. Once with a police officer to gather his belongings.. The rest were to plant ideas in my head and try to get me to lift the order..


One of the things he had told me was that he wanted me to put my daughter up for adoption.. He made threats like: "If you don't do it, I will call CPS and make something up to put you in prison and have them remove her.. You will never be a mother again.." (that was an example.., but it is also exactly what he had said one time, or a few times.. It is hard to remember since the head injuries..)

(Above: The only remaining picture of my oldest daughter and I.)

He kept coming over and forcing his way through the door, he would go into the kitchen and grab a knife and go sit by our daughter and tell me I had to stand perfectly still or he would cut her throat..


I tried to tell people about this, but he would never leave and was always watching me from the parking lot..

I kicked him out on Dec. 27th, 2012 with a police threat.. That day he called CPS on me and told them that they needed to put my little girl up for adoption, because he didn't want anything to do with her because he SUSPECTED me of cheating on him..


Not only that.., but I found out that they were also speaking to my family members who were trash talking me.. Calling me things like "Witch" and accusing me of wanting to sacrifice my daughter to a devil.. I love all of my children more than life itself and it goes against all of my beliefs to harm any living being..

Because the police officers did not put my ex in a mental hospital for neglecting his mental health, my daughter is missing, my family hates me and every year on her birthday.. September 17th I start to die inside..

I did everything they told me to do.. My public defender abused and mocked me... He FORCED me to sign paper work by belittling me and criticising me even though multiple people told me I was a perfect parent..

... I am not trying to play the victim.. I am a target.. I was targeted by the state because I tried to get my ex help when he needed it, and they took my entire world from me.. Twice.. I will talk more about Athena when the time comes..

The pictures I showed are only a few among the very few I have of EmilyRobin.. I need the help of every single one of my viewers and followers.. I am making a new tag.. #bringhomeemilyandathena I will be posting a lot of content as I am able to stomach it.. This pain I feel is comparable to a death of a loved one.. You wouldn't understand unless you lost your child or loved one to kidnappers or death..

So what I am asking is simple.. Upvote this post.. Share this post everywhere. Resteem this post.. I want the world to know, I want my daughters to know that I still love them.., and I am ready to fight for them to come home..

Please help me.. I cannot stand this constant heart break every Birthday.. Every holiday and family get together.. Pure agony..

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