A breathing exercise that regenerates body and mind


This breathing exercise can regenerate our body and mind.

Breathing is important for our survival. However, we often overlook their importance. The key lies in HOW you breathe. It can be decisive for a healthy life. We have the right to breathe freely and completely. There is plenty of air to breathe and it counts (still) as a free good with us. Every breath we take should be a process of receiving from the universe and of course also a process of giving back. We often neglect each other in many ways. We sacrifice ourselves for the consent of others and hope for recognition. This should not be the case. A break from bad thoughts and a stressful everyday life would be good for everyone.

The consequences of hectic life

We have to realize that through this hectic life we desecrate our body. We do not realize that our muscles harden and our breathing is restricted. Through the constant agitation or the many brooding, we do not pay attention to our breath. We should not take short and shallow breaths, we should inhale the world deeply and take things as they are. By narrowing our breaths we lose touch with the things that happen in our present moment. We have forgotten to live and enjoy life in the present. Deep breathing has something magical and can give us a feeling of freedom at any moment.

A new habit

Don't worry, we've all developed bad habits. But we are very lucky that habits can be changed. In this case, we must bring our consciousness back to our breathing and learn how to control it in order to get back to the here and now. The art of conscious breathing is amazing. Through conscious breathing, we bring more energy back into our lives and can go through the day more attentively. For many of us, creating new habits means hard work, but it doesn't have to be. This exercise can be the start of a new life. If we manage to change this habit, we will find that it is not so hard to re-align our daily routines.

The incredible breathing exercise

This exercise will allow us to breathe more consciously again. We will get access to parts of ourselves that we no longer existed. As breathing becomes fuller and fuller, we will notice a big difference in our lives. Especially people who are confronted with a lot of stress or even have depression should start this breathing exercise immediately. Relaxation and breathing properly applied, reduces stress, tension and negative thoughts. It is hard to believe, but these small successes can be achieved within a few days.

Step 1

-Sit upright (works even when lying down)
-Relax and let the breaths flow deep into the lower abdomen.
-Consciously directing the thoughts to breathing (after some attempts, this should not be a problem any more)
-When exhaling, empty the body completely and loosen the upright position a little bit (make the back slightly rounded).
-We end exhalation by gently pressing on the abdomen.
-We repeat this step for 5 min.

Step 2

-Place one hand on the abdomen and one hand on the chest.
-First we breathe into our belly and feel our hand lift up.
-Then we let the breath wander into the chest, so that the other person also raises his hand.
-We feel the breath as it flows through the back area with air.
-We repeat this step for 10 min.

Step 3

-Now let's breathe deeper into the body with each breath
-We feel deeper into the body with every breath and direct our complete attention inwards.
-Now we feel and see how our heart breathes
-It is important that we let the air circulate through our body and feel this.
-Repeat this step for about 20 min.

I am aware that many will moan now, but this breathing exercise is incredibly effective. Whenever we have free time, we should repeat this breathing exercise. Focusing on breathing will improve the overall quality of life. It gets easier from time to time and we experience small successes every day. So why not just try it out?

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