How To Deal With a Breakups?


“After my girlfriend and I broke up,” says a broken man, “I had what I can only describe as a meltdown. It was the most intense emotional pain I’ve felt in my life.”

Dear Steemians! Have you had a similar experience?

How it feels?
A breakup is bound to cause pain for both parties involved.

If you initiated the breakup, perhaps you can relate to Jasmine, who says, “Knowing that I hurt someone I cared about was a burden on my conscience that I hope never to carry again.”

If you did not initiate the breakup, you probably understand why some have called the experience a mini-death. “I actually went through the stages of grieving,” says a young woman named Janet, “including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally—nearly a year later—acceptance.”

The bottom line:
A breakup can leave you feeling downhearted and despondent. As one writer puts it: “A crushed spirit saps one’s strength."

What you can do?

Talk to a mature confidant.
Known proverb says, a true friend shows love at all times, and is a brother who is born for times of distress. Pouring out your feelings to a parent or a mature friend can help you gain perspective.

“For months I isolated myself and didn’t talk to anyone about my feelings. But friends can help the healing process. It wasn’t until I opened up to them that I found a measure of relief.”—Janet.

Learn from what happened.
Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding. Unpleasant experiences can teach us a lot about ourselves and how we handle disappointment.

“After the breakup, a friend asked me, ‘What did you learn from the relationship, and how can you use what you learned when you date someone in the future?’”—Steven.

Prayer can help you work through your grief and view the breakup from a different perspective.

“Pray constantly. God Jehovah understands your pain and knows the situation better than you do.”—Marcia.

Help other people.
The more you get involved with helping others, the sooner you will be able to see the breakup in perspective.

“A breakup feels like the end of the world, and it hurts worse than physical pain. But I found that it does get better. I just had to give it time and let myself heal.”—Evelyn.

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