Breakup Should Be Called Breakdown.

We guys think we are emtionally strong, thinking is good but this is not so. Emotionally all of us, whether it is a boy or a girl, We are equal to an extent and this condition gets worse when we have a breakup. I think girls handle the situation bit technically very well. After the breakup girls cries a lot, stays sad for somedays then accepts the situation and moves on.
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But Whether we boys tell or not we enter in a state of extreme shock when we hear these 3 magical words fro our girlfriend "I WANT BREAKUP" or "EVERYTHING ENDS HERE". We are also human, we also feel like crying but when our eyes go inside the JOCKEY, our so called Male Dignity reminds us BOYS DON'T CRY, and that's what makes us and our situation miserable.

We boys have a lot of phases in our breakup period. We first party a lot, and we all have a RASCAL friend who laugh on that condition andunnamed.gif
taking ours A** ever by giving character certificate of that girl and sometimes by telling me how stupid I am that I gave her that much of expensive gifts, half of which he will give his A** to me.

So we first party and then move to silent mode for 3 weeks and gradually we start looking like a primitive cave man. Then comes TERE NAAM phase followed by GHAZNI phase because by then we are in a different world that what the shit has happened to me. 20180622_110515.jpg
By this time our parents have also been frustrated by us so there is a slight scolding by both of them. And that rascal friend you must remember who was still somewhere happy that due to this condition, he is getting alcohol everyday and also joins our parents to scold us.

But this thing must be acknowledged that the same rascal friends stays with us in this whole phase. He is a good heart person so he set you up with a new girl on the hopes that you will again give liquor party and your brand new armani jacket. I have never understood what is the problem of this type of friend. It seems that he breath less and drinks more alcohol. Bewada saala.20180622_135402.jpg

Friends are rascal but brother friends are friends.

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