Comeback is Real! 😊😁

With @jejes during our MBYA Cluster 2 fellowship in the Longest Boardwalk in Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte

A blessed day to all Steemians! 😊 I can't remember when was the last time I posted a blog, it's been a while I guess. I got super busy doing some stuffs, and my laptop has not been very cooperative with me lately (some parts of my keyboard are not functioning well and it's really difficult to type). I had opted in using my phone which I find it hard to type since it keeps on lagging. 😣😤 But I did miss Steemit a lot huhu Although I took a haitus (break) from posting, my mind did not stop on thinking of ideas on what to post next. I was afraid that if I become inactive for a long looooong long time in steemit, there will be nothing left to return to. But I hope it doesn't end that way. 😊 I will be posting more starting today of what took me busy in the last month and I hope you will not get tired of reading them 😊

I get to learn new things, went to other places and I was able to discover many things, and it helped me grow. God has revealed many things through His people and circumstances around me. I can say this has been a rough ride but I am thankful that He never left.

So I am leaving you with this verse to remind us all that every circumstances, whether good or bad, has its own purpose.


"We know that in all things God works foor good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose."
-Romans 5:8

God bless you all!

Hazelwink 😉

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