Hello Steemit community! Greetings from the Amazon Rain Forest, Brazil

Hi everyone,

This is such an awesome project!

I'm brand new to this place so I just wanted to introduce myself a bit and talk about the experiences/skills I can share with the steemit community.


My name is Matheus, I'm 22 years old and I live in a city called Belém (north of Brazil). I'm currently studying Informational Systems at the Federal University of Pará, which is a career that I'm passionate about everyday.

I also love playing music ;) (especially Brazilian music) on the guitar, I'll play some cool stuff for you guys in next posts! haha

Some of the thingsI planning to share with you guys:

  • Web design tutorials
  • Cryptocurrencies reviews
  • Blockchain development tutorials
  • Smart contract's Ethereum tutorials
  • Brazilian landscapes photography
  • Food recipes
  • Brazilian guitar music videos
  • [put the content you want to see here]

Well, that's about it!

What kind of content would you like to see from me?

So, I'm defintely excited about creating great content and make friends along the way, this is going to be a great journey!

See you soon,


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