Two Chinese top 10 brands in the world!


A new list of the world's most valuable brands has been published so that two top Chinese organizations are among the top 10 organizations. Brand and communication research, the world's leading firm, Millward Brown, has published the list.

According to CNN's report, China's Alibaba and Tencent have taken place as a valuable brand next to a big brand like Google and Apple.

According to CNN, Alibaba e-commerce company, which ranks 9th in the list, doubled the brand price by increasing business in mobile payments and cloud computing. Its brand value stands at $ 113 billion

In 2010, the Shenzhen-based company of Tennessee rose to the top ten The organization has become more powerful in the last one year. Now its position is five. Previously there are only Google, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft. Tencent is behind Facebook's brand value. Its brand value now stands at 179 billion US dollars, which is 65 percent more than last year.

Tencent works with online games, apps, instant messaging and online payments. Its market capitalization has surpassed US $ 490 billion, which is behind the most valuable bank of the United States, JP Morgan.

Top 10 brands list: Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Tencent, Facebook, Visa, McDonald's, Alibaba, AT & T.

Brand's chief Doreen Wang said, "Tencent and Alibaba have come out of the table after facing many difficult obstacles in the wake of global superpowers." The amount of challenges they face is huge. But new opportunities for smart entrepreneurs have been created to increase Chinese tech-savvy young customers.

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