Who is more intelligent : Men or Women?

Who is more smarter?

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In a general sense, I believe that women are definitely more intelligent than men.

From personal account, I have realized that the women around me – either in my family or at school – are, in quantitative measures, more organized and successful in academic terms than males are. Although I am not experienced in this topic, some explanations came into my mind as to why women are smarter and more intelligent than men:

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History – It has been proven time and time again that there is zero correlation between a woman’s or a man's brain and their ability to absorb information or apply their skills. For that reason, there might be a historical reasoning behind all of this. From the top of my head, there are some facts that can justify why women are, as a whole, more organized and able to critically think their way through problems:
Women have had a long history of discrimination towards them – much more so than that of men. Although certain events in history – such as the Holocaust – were not gender-specific, the Suffragettes, for instance, in the early-20th United States was, as they advocated the women's right to vote.
It has always been a subconscious “rule” in different families and cultures that men should be the ones responsible for tougher decisions, which can then determine the future “in a better way,” or something. This may explain why all of the presidents of the U.S. have been of the male gender – not only because of this notion, but also because of women's hesitation to run for office due to this notion (along with other reasons).
There are many places around the globe that neglect education for women – meaning that the men in these regions are much more likely to become more intelligent and successful academically, because girls are not even given a chance to do that. The truly interesting question would then be: What if they were given the opportunity?


Nature – Although this seems a little Freakonomics-esque, it is inarguable that the women's anatomy and natural processes may also explain why they seem to be more organized and smarter than most men (and remember, this is all from personal account):
Women are the ones who get pregnant. Thus, they need to carry the baby and take care of it – something that requires much more effort from the women’s body than that of men's. Multiply that by every woman that has ever given birth before, and the amount of responsibility that the female gender has to take over the other creates a huge gap in between them.
Women get menstruated. Although this might be a bit far-fetched, periods can establish to a women's life a sharper sense of organization due to the awareness they have to their own bodies earlier on in their adolescence – something that does not usually occur as much to a boy's life as he hits puberty, being reminded that I am one of them.

I will just leave you with a quote from a NYTimes article: “a 2017 study led by Emory University researchers discovered, among other things, that fathers also sing and smile more to their daughters, and they use language that is more ‘analytical’ and that acknowledges their sadness far more than they do with their sons. The words they use with sons are more focused on achievement — such as ‘win’ and ‘proud.’ Researchers believe that these discrepancies in fathers’ language may contribute to ‘the consistent findings that girls outperform boys in school achievement outcomes.’ ”

Even though there are some other thoughts in my head, these are the three “pillars” that I can think of that can make the least amount of sense when equating intelligence to gender.

Also, something interesting to note is the demographics of intelligence of both genders. I have read before that men are better at exact sciences, and women at social sciences. However, this information is very skewed since it is based off of a very specific type of population, meaning that it completely disregards many areas of the world – including those regions where women are still unable to have access to education. The Western world is drastically different from other continents in terms of education and historical gender culture. For that reason, if the entire world was to be surveyed, these statistics and apparent “facts” would certainly be much different.

Lastly, although I promised not to involve statistics on this, many of the intelligence graphs I have seen demonstrates men as being more intelligent than women – something that completely diverts from my previous thoughts. Here is an example:


Despite that, I still don't completely believe in these statistics. As mentioned before, they are based off of a very specific type of people. These graphs fail to realize other realities that can affect both gender's intelligence and several other abilities.

In sum, it is important to understand that there is no direct proof of this. In fact, as worldwide cultures differ, so does their respective education.

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