How to Calculate the value and Benefits of Sports Bowling

Greetings, how are you steemit friends? Greetings from me @isbrai always to you wherever you are. Hopefully healthy and always excited.

Bowling is a type of sport or game that is played by rolling a special ball using one hand. The bowling ball will be rolled into a ten pin that has been arranged into triangular shape when viewed from above.


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Taken with Samsung J3 Camera

If all pins are dropped in one roll (throw) then it is called a strike. If the pins are not dropped all at once then given one more chance to drop the remaining pins. When on the second throw there are no more pins remaining called Spare. If after two times there are still pins left then called open frame (missed) which all it will determine the calculation of the numbers obtained in each game. Pin will be re-arranged as before for the next grame.


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How to calculate the value for this sport is:

Each game has 10 frames each frame has 2 boxes that symbolize twice the chance of the special throw on the frame to 10 there are 3 boxes which means can have a chance 3 times throw The highest score in each game is 300 called perfect game each frame strike will get additional numbers from 1 next throw.


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Two Benefits of Bowling Sports:

Lowering Stress Sports bowling tends to be more like a game so we do not have to do it too seriously like when we wear gym equipment in the gym. We can even really enjoy this game so we will also feel happier and ultimately lower stress. Often bowling is also done with friends so we will also get socialization and familiarity with friends who will certainly make us better in coping with stress.

Burn calories Quite a lot Health experts say if bowling is quite effective in making the body move a lot and can burn at least 150 to 300 calories. The longer you do it, you can burn more calories. Not only that, this sport will also be very good for our muscles, especially the arm muscles to become stronger.

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