Want a challenge? Join the new game here! 100% upvote for first 10!


Hi everyone,

U might know me from my Quiz that has been played for the last week and Is played tonight again. If you haven't and want to compete please read the rules Here.

This post is about a new game though! I've been thinking about creating a game where everybody individually can join whenever they like. The Quiz game had a start at 19:00 CEST and did last for 30minutes. This new game will be posted at different times, you can start the game whenever you like because of different time zones and I would like everybody to be able to join and compete. It's not about being the first. At least not for the first days. The last day will be set at a time because the first one coming up with the good answer will win the game. Now more about the game itself.

The Idea

I will be taking you all on a trip around the world. Finding out where we start is the first thing you have to figure out. You can win the game by being the first that knows the final destination. Final destination can be anything from a house to a city. I'll be asking clearly what the answer has to contain. During this trip, you have to solve different kinds of puzzles and questions. These questions and puzzles will get harder the further we travel. The final destination will be pre-determined by me and the winner will receive the whole prize pool! The 'Game' will last for several days. I'll be telling you when we reach our final destination.


  • You can guess the final destination ONE time. So 1 comment per person/game.
  • Competing is open for everyone signing up until the Sunday before the game.
  • Signing up for game 1 can be done by commenting on this post consisting your name and your participation. For the future games, I will be posting a signing up posts.
  • Prize pool will grow when people upvote the posts. All the game related posts will count towards the prize pool.
  • To generate more attention everyone competing must re-steem THIS post. If you haven't at the start of the Game you will be eliminated.
  • Posts rewards will be set at 50/50 and 50% of the $ worth will be paid out to the WINNER.
  • Winner is the FIRST one commenting the right destination. The answer must be given in the latest post of the game.
  • Game will start when at least 50 people have joined.

If there is any question you can comment below. As a promotion first 10 people re-steeming, following +(100%)upvoting+ this post will receive a 100% upvoted by me.

So If you want to be able to be the first Winner of this game sign up quickly below and leave a comment about your thoughts on the game. I hope we will have a lot of fun together and I hope we can generate a great prize pool. I'll make sure it will be a challenge!


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