Qilimanjaro will provide access to quantum computing for all comers.

Картинки по запросу Qilimanjaro

Where is the most effective way to invest money? Time shows that the most successful investments are in the markets of new technologies, and just at the beginning of their appearance. It's like a big pie, a piece of which is best cut off at the initial stage, and when the whole cake grows, your piece will also grow. One of such growing markets is the industry of quantum computing. Goldman Sachs Group - one of the world's largest investment banks recognizes that the industry of quantum computing may by 2021 be $ 29 billion. This is understandable, because conventional technology is no longer able to cope with a huge and increasing flow of information.

Look at your phone, its power is the same as the power of a steep military computer 50 years ago, which had the size of an average room. Then the scientists said that there would be enough one computer per continent, while today there are about 2.3 billion smartphones and 2 billion personal computers around the world.

The increase in power is due to the increase in the number of transistors, which are getting smaller and smaller, reaching 7 nm (which is 10 thousand times thinner than a human hair), but once they reach their physical limit of size reduction. Already, the world is close to the limit of classical computer efficiency. Scientists develop methods that require less time and space to calculate and store data. And quantum computing is by far the most effective way to achieve this.

And the first block-project, which plans to develop this area through the creation of an ecosystem, is the Qilimanjaro project. The ecosystem will affect all areas where large volumes of information are used (health, finance, machine training, modeling, logistics, cryptography, pharmaceuticals, global warming and security), will help bring them to a qualitatively new level. It is intended, first of all, for research centers, for small and medium-sized companies that need such calculations, but can not develop them independently due to the high cost of technology. As is often the case, advanced technologies (namely, quantum computing) are only available to large corporations.

In the future, the project can be useful to ordinary people.

The task of the Qilimanjaro project is to make technology accessible to small companies through joint efforts to improve its application in all areas.

  • To optimize solutions in any field, quantum computing does this by finding the best solution as quickly as possible.
  • In the field of communication, for example, this may be a solution to the issue of secure data transmission. This will be possible due to the property of pairs of photons, which can be divided into a large distance, and the change in the quantum state of one part inevitably affects the other (in scientific terms this is called a counter-intuitive twin existence). But if you try to measure the state of photons, then this very state is changing. Thus, it becomes impossible to use eavesdropping devices.
  • In the field of chemistry, they can be used to develop new drugs, understand the structure of molecules, etc.
At this time, the largest giants such as Google, IBM, D-Wave, Rigetti and Microsoft are building an operational quantum computer, while Qilimanjaro will allow companies to enjoy the benefits of such a computer without buying it.

To imagine what the growth potential of this market is, let us turn to a real example. The first cloud-based quantum computer with 5 qubits (the qubit is the smallest element for storing information in a quantum computer) was released by IBM in late 2016, and it had a stunning success, then more than one hundred thousand users registered on the experimental site of Quant Quant to launch their own quantum algorithms. In early 2018, the same company updated it to 16 qubits, and this led to an increase in users to 1.7 million. Such an example clearly shows how much growth this sector might have in the future.

About the project.

To begin with, we will designate several terms, without which the understanding of the project becomes rather complicated:

  • Quantum annealing is a device capable of finding the best solution to optimization problems, it is an analog quantum computer. Such machines are known as analog quantum computers.
  • Qubit is the smallest element for storing information in a quantum computer, in analogy with a bit in a conventional computer. With each new qubit, the power of a quantum computer is doubled. Kubits allow you to conduct computational processes in parallel, hence their power. For a good example: a 5 or 6-qubit quantum computer will run 32 or 64 variants in parallel. A 30-kilobit quantum computer runs as many options as stored in 134 megabytes. A quantum computer with 50 qubits will be smaller, more powerful and more energy-efficient than the best existing classic computer on Earth.

Consider the elements of the ecosystem of Qilimanjaro and their functions in it.

The ecosystem includes:
  • A quantum computer (QCS) that will be accessible through the cloud system. It is a machine capable of processing information with constituent elements subject to quantum mechanical laws.
  • Consulting services:
    • The team consists of experts in the field of quantum computing, which will provide advisory support to individuals and companies. Types of assistance:
      • How to adapt your problems and questions to the quantum algorithm
      • How to optimize the quantum algorithm for any existing quantum hardware.
      • How to start and analyze experimental data on a quantum computer project
      • Consultation of educational institutions
Such services will be provided by the project in the 4th quarter of this year, with the help of Qilimanjaro Software Services
  • Using a special Qibo language designed to reach a large community of programmers and enthusiasts interested in quantum programming, you can try the beta version here. It can work on any type of computer technology (IBM, Rigetti, Qilimanjaro, etc.)
  • The developer community for whom the project will become a meeting place with the scientific community and companies ready to buy the product.

Why do we need a QBIT token.

The Token is the fuel of the system, it can be earned by supplementing the system with new algorithms of quantum computation, and it can be used to launch quantum computations for solving specific life problems. Also, the token provides access to online courses with quantum computing and learning resources that will be available on the Open Q platform.

Project Category: Cloud Computing

Source code: https://github.com/qilimanjaro-qh

What is done

As already mentioned above, there is a beta version of the program where you can try the Qibo language (available on the project site).

Qilimanjaro Anhealer MVP (the first qubit is built + the first launch of the program) according to the road map is promised in the first half of 2018, in the Telegram channel they say that they have already made the first experiments to cool a special refrigerator (necessary for creating a quantum computer). In addition, they began testing the first generation of qubits (manufactured by Qilimanjaro Head of Quantum Computing Service for Polsn-Diaz, and in cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).

The beta version of the community itself will be presented in the first half of 2019.

The project has already built the plan until 2023, which is understandable, given the complexity of the technology. The main direction of development is an increase in the cumulative quantum annealing. By 2023 it is planned to create> 100-kbit coherent quantum annealing. Let us recall that quantum annealing is one of the types of a quantum computer.

Pros of the project

  • The low price of the token and the low amount of hardcage attract investors
  • A powerful team that can cope with the task of creating a full ecosystem
  • The project appeared at the end of 2016, and could after all, like most projects, start collecting money immediately "under the idea," but at first a serious base was prepared
  • A growing sphere, new serious technologies
  • Concluded deals with a number of strategic partners
  • A perfectly understandable and reasonable idea, based on existing scientific research and already created quantum computers
  • It gives an opportunity to make investments in not just increasing rapidly, but also socially important industry
  • Absence of competitors among block projects
  • There are developments not only on paper (the beta version of the Qibo programming language)


  • Unknown public sale date
  • It is not very convenient that only ETH is accepted for payment
  • It is a pity that America can not participate in the purchase, because it is the United States that plans to become the main owners of technology in quantum computing


Remember the time when the Internet entered at a speed of 32 kilobits per second and the famous cartoon with Masyanya (only not disconnect!). Imagine if you had invested at least a few dollars in this industry, how much could it be now? Or an example with bitcoin, when in 2009 1000 bikkoins were given about a dollar, and which now costs about $ 6,000. The field of quantum computation may well turn out to be one of such domains. And besides, let's not forget that investments here can be quite small, but the growth is very likely.

Website - https://qilimanjaro.io/
Whitepaper - https://qilimanjaro.io/static/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter - https://twitter.com/qilimanjaro
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/QilimanjaroOfficial/
Telegram - https://t.me/qilimanjaro

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=237301

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