Take A Look Outside


Ever since I was a kid, I have been coined to think, act, speak and plan my life according to how the society deems fit....

Family, society and religion successfully created an imaginary box of which we are all expected to live and have our being within.


Take a look at marriage for example, they say you can't marry from a particular tribe or race because it's against the customs of your people, leaving you forced to pick a soul mate that really doesn't represent or share similar goals and interests. You are forced, by norms of your society, to adapt to each other and try to survive for the remaining days of your lives. Now if you can not bare it (usually the case), an ugly divorce battle ensures; a battle that could leave an individual broken for life and if proper care is not taken, could also produce an emotionally unstable child or even worse, a broken one that could turn out to be a menace to the society.

Many young adults have been forced to abandon their true gifts or talents because their society has bent them to think and breath within the box. People who could have gone on to change the world and touch lives. In some cases these adults grow into bitter fellows and start to drop their toxins in the minds and lives of other young lads trying to break free from the norm. Even when an individual tries to break out of the box and do something totally different, he is being considered an outcast not worthy of the society's love and adoration.


The box we are caged in is more of a psychological prison than a physical one. From birth, we are made to think certain things should be done in a particular way, never change or break the code, don't even ask questions. The worst part is most individuals do not even know that they are trapped in a box and that from the day of their first breath, the society has done all the thinking for them. They are just robots in human skin who also give birth to children who turn into robots and the cycle continues.

Now religion

There is no religion that is in the exact way it started. This is a vital point that we all as spiritual and religious people should understand. Life is complicated. Being religious is complicated. The rules we have today, something formed them, in some cases, someone made them? When you don't have power, you do as you are told. When you have power, you do what you want!

The priority here is how you present yourself to the world, how you present yourself to your God, your personal relationship to whom you see as supreme. That's what should matter. That's what matters.
I would say, living outside the box is essential to fully exist as a human. Most great persons are those who realized they were confined in a box and decided to live outside it. They succeeded in changing not just their lives but also decorated planet earth with different shades of beautiful colours.


SO YES! Even though living outside the box is no guarantee for a successful life, I shall run with all determination, and when I cannot run, I shall walk with all belief, and when I cannot walk, I shall crawl with faith till I rise to run again.

But in all of this struggle, I shall always rise even if it's a little everyday, just a drop every second, because this is my life and it's something special, something wight, something even I cannot deny. It's surely the ultimate recipe for a happy and healthy life.

Be human again, step outside your box!!!

Thanks for reading.....

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