Dmitry Soloviev: “Bots are great because they make complex system simpler”

The founder of agency and a head of group of developers in financial p2p network AraneoBit talks about the role of bots and the benefits of ready-made solutions in development.

Dmitry, you are developing a bot in AraneoBit project, right?
Yes and no.

Okay. Please describe the role of your team in the project?
First of all, we are deploying an infrastructure for organizing time management and document flow so that the project would not be bound to a physical office. The next thing, we are working on marketing automatization - we are fixing all touchpoints with the audience, from the first interaction to the order application so that we collect all the maximum data in the CRM system. Our task is to use all the resources and to reach the maximum result with the help of technologies.

How do bots help in this process?
A bot is a way to contact the audience. Nowadays all the world is communicating in Facebook and Telegram messengers. If we make a call to a customer, he may not reply when he sees an unknown number. If we write him an email, he will send it to the spam folder. But he will read the message in the messenger, at least to reset to zero the number of unread messages. The bot allows to interact with the user in a comfortable way. In fact it is a convenient console for a CRM system: it has 3 or 4 buttons instead of complicated programs and interfaces. If we implement a motivating mechanism into it, the audience will be attached to the product.
What is mechanics of the bot?
We are developing @Araneo bot. It is a prototype of a mechanism for selecting counter orders. For example, I am located in Moscow and I want to transfer money to someone in San Francisco. I choose my location, the bot generates the message which I send to the person in San Francisco. In this way the order is generated in one direction. In order the transaction to complete, we need to find a counter order. The system checks all the orders and finds the order that fits. Then the group chat is created for all the participants. They communicate in the chat, confirm the time and place for the meeting where they can hand over the money. After that they submit a report that everything went smoothly and rate their counterparty. As a result, every user has its own internal rating score. @Araneo bot solves marketing tasks as well. We conduct surveys with our bot and solve the task of attracting the audience with it. Later we will implement a motivation mechanism: invite a friend and get a token. If the tokens are not available, the bot will offer to top up the balance or to perform some action for a bonus.
How all this integrates with the blockchain?
All the transactions that are implemented in the bot, we back up in the blockchain. This is done so that we can check the archives and double check if the transaction was completed or not, regardless of the counterparty. The transaction can complete if only all four people reported that everything went fine. The blockchain gives the possibility to avoid any misunderstanding.
What are the main difficulties in the project for you?
A typical user story is when it is not possible to make anything in a basic constructor. For example, we want to gather four users and the bot in Telegram so that they discuss everything and so that the chat can close after the transaction completes. But it is not possible to run this scenario in Telegram bot platform. So we need to create a mechanism that will run this scenario. For example, when some person writes a message to the bot, and the other user replies this message, and everyone clearly understands what question has been answered. Or else the person can see all the communication on the order as a chat with the bot, but he understands what participant and when replies to him.
Is this system innovative enough?
Actually all the technologies that we use are available to bulk users and are used in other projects in one way or another. The question is only what combination and sequence to use. If to combine two technologies, the result we be the third technology. The way we combine technologies is actually our know how. There is no such product yet in the market.
Why are you interested in creating bots?
I have such a mindset. I want to optimize everything. I got an education of a manager, not a programmer. Frankly speaking, I am not even familiar with classical programming languages and I don’t want to dive into it. I like accessible technologies which you can implement quickly and get an excellent result. Bots are great because they can make complex systems simpler. Our bot optimizes the technology of interaction with the end users. Roughly speaking, we leave the CRM system mechanism, but we address the users not to the CRM system, but to the bot. I have a team that knows both programming languages and architecture. But I prefer to take a ready-made solution from the market and to tailor it for our needs. The result will be the same, but the speed of development will be much faster.
AraneoBit team wishes you a very happy and lucky New Year 2018!
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