Borobudur temple (candi borobudor) indonesia

Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist temple or temple in the world. In addition, Borobudur Temple is one of the largest Buddhist monuments in the world. Monument of Borobudur Temple consists of 6 square-shaped terraces on which there are three circular courts. There are 2672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues that adorn the Borobudur Temple. With the large number of reliefs that can be found, Borobudur Temple was crowned as a temple which has the most complete Buddhist relief in the world. The carved reliefs on the walls are the compositions of 4 main stories: Karmawibangga, Lalita Wistara, Jataka-Awadana, and Gandawyuda. But the relief sculpture not only tells the teachings of the Buddha and the journey of his life but tells the progress of Javanese society at that time. In addition to the 4 main stories carved in Borobudur temple there are sculptures of 10 ships, one of which is a ship used to wade the island of Java to the African continent or called by The Cinnamon Route. This is also one of the proof that the ancestor of the Indonesian Nation is a sailor.

Borobudur temple
Borobudur Temple, Source:
The crown of Borobudur Temple, which is in the form of the biggest Main Stupa that is center of this temple area. The main stupa is surrounded by 72 perforated stupas in which there is a statue of Buddha sitting cross-legged in a perfect lotus position with the attitude of the hand turning the wheel of dharma. This temple carries one of the concepts that exist in the teachings of Buddhism is the Mandala which symbolizes the cosmology of the universe. Because the concept is then in its development is divided into a level, namely the world of desire or passion called Kamadhatu, a world of form called Rupadhatu, and a formless world called Arupadhatu. If you look in detail this temple looks like describing a Buddha sitting on a lotus petal

Borobudur temple
Borobudur Temple, Source:
Borobudur temple
Borobudur Temple, Source:
Borobudur temple not only leave history but this temple has its own beauty that can be enjoyed for all visitors. When at the top of the temple visitors will be surprised by the natural beauty that is served. Some of its natural beauty, the view of Mount Sindoro, Mount Sumbing, Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu and Menoreh hills. All the beauty can even be enjoyed in all eye positions because all the mountains and hills seoalah around the temple so that it is seen that this temple is the center of the beauty. All the beauty that is enjoyed incomplete if not enjoy the beauty of Borobudur sunrise and sunset. Some visitors who come will spend time since the rising and sunset at Borobudur Temple just to wait for the beautiful sunrise and sunset. image

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