The value of books

Books are of great value in life .they provide us all that we need in life. Books take us to heights and thus they make us great and valuable in life.
Good books are our sincere friend. They are the storehouse of knowledge .
In the modern world of paper and printing presses, books wield a wide influence in the lives of people. The value of books is in their goodness . the value of books may be understood by the fact that books mould men and men mould the nations or society at large. The good books will ever be there as our friends and guides to help us

books are something that can take you to the world which doesn’t even exist
it help as in art of thinking and questioning .
book is the only thing that doesn’t lie. It help us in thinking way more differently.
Books can of different types like some take us to the time and some open our eyes. Books increases our knowledge .
Quran is the holy book that revealed on Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) .
Quran is the holy book which is a complete knowledge through that we can have perfect life style .

May Allah help us to act up on the Holy book to have a perfect life Ameen :)books-pen-2K-wallpaper-middle-size.jpg

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