Bookshelf Trends

The origin of bookshelves is quite extensive and riveting. Bookshelves first started to appear in libraries in the early 16th century. The production of books had accelerated due to the invention of the printing press, and so the demand for conventional bookshelves grew. Bookshelves and bookcases were only seen in libraries or homes of highly literate individuals. They were seen as purely functional objects for library use; they only got embellishments once the demand extended to residential properties.

When discussing trends in bookshelves, it is subjected to the shelf itself and the placement of books on it. A simple arrangement of books had seen the light as a trend when design enthusiasts were concerned by their books not matching their home decor. A design blog stated to turn them over, Reverse spine placement to which the internet roared as one would now face the challenge of finding any book.

Let us shift our focus to the aesthetics of a bookshelf rather than the placement of the books, shall we?

With the evolution of manufacturing and machinery came the discovery of materials and their unique uses. Bookshelves were most commonly made of pine, birch, or oak as these types of plywoods are lightweight and durable. It got the job done. Read More

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