Book Around You #2 - Curation of Book Posts


Welcome to the second edition of Book Around You, a curation project from @steemitbooks. It's been four days since the first curation post and it's time for another!

I'm glad to see that quite a few people are checking out the project after being upvoted, and several people have joined the Discord channel and are dropping links in there. Thanks a lot! I'm trying to do my part by scanning through the #book, #books, and #reading tags every night and upvoting the best ones. As a note: I'm normally going to put only one post per user in a curation post, but I'm not limiting the number of upvotes you can receive.

That said, lets get rolling!

Book Reviews

Book Babble #6: My take on… "On Writing" by Stephen King by @adambarratt

@adambarratt has been publishing a review a day so I was really unsure which one to choose. In the end I settled on his review of On Writing because it's a book I've never gotten around to reading, but always tell myself I should. Adam did a great job of summarizing some of the main points of this books. I loved the quote "If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot." Most of use are voracious readers so we're already half-way there! Now we just need to start writing. ;)

And I can't stop from mentioning this, so here it goes: KISS means "Keep It Simple, Stupid." Please don't sugar coat it!

Review of Everything Must Go by Jenny Fran Davis by @thestorychaser

I stumbled across this post while curating the #books tag and I have to say I like it. While it isn't the type of book review that dives into the POV, plot, and structure of a book, it conveys exactly what @thestorychaser wanted to convey - that she loved this book! While it's not the type of book I'm interested, the review still caught my interest and made me check out her profile. Speaking of that, do check out her profile for yourself. She's been writing some good, heartfelt reviews but hasn't been getting much attention. If you have some extra voting power drop by and give her a visit.

Female Hysteria and The Yellow Wallpaper by @nobyeni

You may be wondering what female hysteria has to do with yellow wallpaper. And unfortunately I don't know since I haven't read the book (though it could be the shade of yellow?). Guess you and I each need to pick up a free copy of the book and get reading! Check out @nobyeni's great review before or after you read it, to help you get a better grasp of the book.

A Book in the Hand

How to Get Over Book Hangovers by @bookleaf

Book hangovers are real, trust me. I have some pretty bad ones after I read anything by Victor Hugo. And yes, books are the mortal enemy of sleep. That next chapter is like tomorrow in that it never comes. @bookleaf has the right solution though - just read another book! (Preferably after sleeping for a few hours, of course.)

And here's your Brandon Sanderson quote to go with this post:

By now, it is probably very late at night, and you have stayed up to read this book when you should have gone to sleep. If this is the case, then I commend you for falling into my trap. It is a writer's greatest pleasure to hear that someone was kept up until the unholy hours of the morning reading one of his books. It goes back to authors being terrible people who delight in the suffering of others. Plus, we get a kickback from the caffeine industry...

The Joy of Reading by @reewritesthings

I've always liked reading (probably in part because I grew up traveling) but I know some people don't care for books at first. @reewritesthings shares her journey from book hater to hoarder. I love how she said that each person has a book they need to read, in order to learn to love reading. Kinda like a book soul mate :)


Adventure Reading Contest by @therovingreader

We can all agree that reading is an adventure. This contest challenges you to share your adventure with others by writing about, and snapping a picture of, the book you're reading and where you're reading it at. And no, you don't have to read anywhere special. Even if you're in your bed you can still have an adventure! Excuse me, I think I heard something under my bed...

Deadline: Sunday, March 11 at 8 PM UTC

Book Giveaway #2 by @metzli

@metzli is running a neat little giveaway where you can win a free children's book. You can get up to four tickets in the draw by doing certain tasks, and two of those can be earned by commenting. Check it out, and enter for a chance to win a book to gift to that little child in your life.


Enjoy your reading! If you can, try to support these authors with an upvote. If you're an Bibliophagist (book devourer) consider writing some book posts of your own. Everyone's always looking for more books to add to their shelves.

The Steemit Book Project was started by @carn and its goal is to make books more available to everyone. All the profits from this and other posts by @steemitbooks will be used to buy books to donate to Open Library. For more info about the project and ways you can help, read the project's introduction post.

If you write book-related posts, drop by our Discord channel ( and post a link to them in our curation-requests channel.

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