Book Nook Introduction: a warm and welcoming blockchain-based book club!

Hey everyone! 👋

My name is Marjorie, or you can just call me Journey Girl!

I'm so excited to be making my very first DTube video! 😄‼

Today, I'd like to give a somewhat quick (well, quick-ish for a rambler like me) introduction to a brand new project I've been thinking of, called Book Nook!

Book Nook is an online book club for all of us! No more running out to a coffee shop. No more reading cliff-notes to prepare for the discussion group. No more feeling bad for falling behind in reading due to lack of time.
Book Nook takes place entirely online, right on Steem! Join in on the discussion by simply commenting below. Every month we'll all pick a book to read along with each other, and I plan on releasing 2 follow up videos discussing that book with all of you!

  • Video #1 will be the book-selection video, where I'll inform all of you what book we'll be reading for the month based on everyone's votes & recommendations. This will be near the beginning of the month.
  • Video #2 will be the mid-way-catchup video, where I'll ask you all questions about how you're liking the current book so far, who your favorite characters are, any theories you have, and in general just have a light and cozy chat. This will be around the middle of the month.
  • Video #3 will be the end end-o-book-wrapup video, where we get to discuss all that happened in the book, share our thoughts and feelings with one another, and exchange in some real discussions! This will be at the end of the month.

We then pick our next book, and repeat!

I hope to bring a lot of wonderful engagement with this project, I can't wait to chit-chat with my fellow Steemians 😉

I hope you're all as excited to join in on this cozy-book-nerd-community, I'll see you all soon in the next video where we'll vote on what our first group's book will be! 📚

Comment below what your most favorite memory regarding books & all things reading is!
What was the first book you read? What was the most impactful book for you personally? I'd love to get to know you all better and engage with my fellow book buddies!

Take care everyone, see you soon, and stay cozy - keep on reading 😊

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