Top 3 Books I Read In 2017

Top 3 Books I Read In 2017.png

One day Steemit, I'll show you my book collection in detail :)

But just in case you are curious, I'm a huge book worm. It's like borderline addiction levels when it comes to reading...

I got hooked on personal development, marketing, business and success books way back in 2004 and haven't stopped having my nose in a book daily...

O.K. I'm not on Tai Lopez's level of one book a day* but I'm at least finishing a book or two a week.

(Disclaimer - Does he really read a book a day? I mean really?)

Anywho....Look at my boooooooks!

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(That's 2 of the 7 book shelves I have in my home office and sadly....I'm running out of space to stack more books....)

Every year I post the top 3 books I read over the past 12 months and instead of doing it on my WordPress blog, I decided to do it here on Steemit :)

I hope you all enjoy the quick takeaways from each book and I can start attracting some fellow book worms :)

1. Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday - Ryan's books have always intrigued me and Perennial Seller was one of his best without a doubt. The main idea behind this book was to create epic products and services that literally 'sell' themselves. The book took readers from the creative process all the way to marketing something extraordinary. If you enjoyed his earlier books like Ego Is The Enemy and Obstacle Is The Way you'll love this one. A fantastic book that I couldn't put down!

2. Top Of Mind by John Hall - I mentioned this book in a post I did a week or so ago on Dtube because this could help you so much build a name for yourself here on Steemit. The book talks about being top of mind to your audience by creating amazing content, interacting with your subscribers / followers and delivering value daily. The more you stay in front of people, they more they look to you for advice and leadership. This is such a huge nugget for new Steemians and a must read to build a popular personal / business brand.

3. The One Thing by Gary Keller - While this book wasn't released in 2017 it was recommended to me by someone I really respect online. I couldn't put this book down! It was that good. Revolving around the premise that you should concentrate your focus on ONE thing at a time instead of trying to be a jack of all trades was a revelation for me. Ever spread yourself too thin? Feel like you are in too many things and losing your mind? This is the book for you! Choose something and become GREAT at it. The results will speak for themselves.

Have you read these books?

What are some of your take aways from it?

Or do you have a book you read last year that really changed your life and you enjoyed? I'd love to hear your reading recommendations...


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