Book of the week - Seeds by Anna Ciarkowska

Hello everyone.

I do not know if I have already mentioned it, but I am a bookworm, which is why I recently came up with the idea of ​​creating the series "Book of the Week" on my blog and today I am putting the idea into practice.
As first I recommend the book "Seeds" by Anna Ciarkowska (as I am not sure if the book was translated into English, I am not sure if my title translation is adequate). The author presents us with a kind of diary, or an internal dialogue of a young woman, who since childhood fed the words of the mother, aunts, grandmother, friends and other people gradually loses the sense of life.
Words have tremendous power that we often don't realize, and meanwhile, an innocent attention can inflict a fatal wound on another person. Each of us has a completely different sensitivity, there are people after whom someone's words flow down like water from a shower, and there are also those who are very easy to drown with words.
Reading this book, I realized that I have often allowed someone's torrent of words to seize me and drown my confidence. Also, I had this reflection on how many people my words touched or hurt.

The author describes the story of the girl from her early childhood. Following her fate, we notice how gradually, under the influence of the comments and opinions of her loved ones, the girl loses orientation, loses her identity, is torn apart, which in turn brings her to the brink of depression.

The author compares words to seeds that accidentally swallowed, in the child's imagination, slowly begin to germinate in the stomach, causing panic fear that it will be swallowed up from the inside by a tree.

A book that evokes a lot of reflection and touches upon the problems that many people face today. This is not easy reading, and I like it.

I was also impressed by the writing style of Anna Ciarkowska, full of apt metaphors, almost poetic.

Did this book hit anyone's hands? How are your impressions after reading?

Please write what you think about this series on the blog, hot or not?

Have a nice Tuesday, beloved bookworms,

xoxo Jagodzianka

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