Some Great Books For Motivation

I just got back from Turks and Caicos today and on the plane ride back I read a couple of awesome books.

Do the Work
Turning Pro

Steven Pressfield wrote both the books and I love his work. He also wrote the War of Art, an awesome book. He is also a great fiction writer, but these works are motivational non fiction.

They are all based on the idea of resistance. Resistance is what stops us from being great. Whenever we get close to doing something great huge obstacles are out in our path. Most people let those obstacles stop them. Successful people battle through them.

Do the Work, and Turning Pro are short easy reads while the War of Art is more detailed. I also love his idea of just get started doing whatever it is you want to do. Don't overthink it, over research it, or let people stop you, just do it. Once you start the work you can refine it and make it better.


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