Dan Brown's Origins Chapter 3 Synopsis

Chapter three starts with Robert Langdon entering the Guggenheim Museum. His focus goes immediately skyward to all the people traversing the many floors and exhibits. The air was like every other museum he had been in, filtered to the right humidity, but also different with the lack of sound dampener. He could hear hushed whispers bouncing around everywhere.

He winds his way through multiple security check points, complete with armed guards, until eventually reaching another reception desk. His name is checked against a list, and a specific headset it given to him. He is told Edmund has customized the presentation to each attendee. What's more, the headset is a Kirsch invention.

The headset uses bone conductivity technology which pushes sound through the jawbone to the cochlea, rather than through the eardrum. Robert quickly realizes the efficiency of the technology, but also thinks Beethoven actually invented this many years before hand.

Image from Here

Soon after a man voice speaks to him with a British accent. He tells Robert his name is Winston and he would be his personal tour guide. Winston shows him a few exhibits one being from Jenny Holtzer.

It doesn't take long before Langdon realizes Winston isn't just a recording but an individual. This takes Robert aback, especially when Winston explains there are three hundred and eighteen guest, and furthermore all being spoke to in their native language. Robert is in awe at Edmund's attention to detail.

Image taken of the Book

The chapter ends with Robert spotting a couple with an A on their baseball cap. He realizes the A stands for atheists. His final thought is of how out of place he is being a professor of religious symbolism.

Image from Here

The only real thoughts I have for this chapter is about Winston. Who is this Winston and how will he effect the story? Will he be a positive or negative influence for Robert?

As always, thank you for your time,
-Bran the Builder

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