Do Not Fear

Excerpt from the upcoming book, Six Wings by me :)
“Always Concerned”
What do you do when things go wrong?
When the world comes crashing in?
Do you run for safety with no place to hide?
Or watch calmly as the clouds roll in?

You do not live in a bubble so the
Storms will, at times, push in.
And just as soon as the sun peeks out
Another is brewing again.

Living with chronic worry.
Never a worry free day.
The morning a reminder of humanness.
The night brings prayers for rest.

Temptation, deception, worry and strife
Come back like a well gone friend.
Somedays you spend your time in tears,
Wondering if it will ever end.

The answer is no, you are living on earth,
Amid the results of the fallen.
For now, as under grace we live
Temptation and pain will birth.

How do you make it one more day?
Despair cannot set in.
You must look up and see the Master
Of angels, creation and men.

Focus on His love and grace,
His mercy full and free.
Don’t give worry a leaf
Or it will take the whole tree.

Just replace the thoughts of worry,
With joy thoughts happy and pure.
It won’t stop a spinning tornado
But it renews your strength to endure.

Be always chasing rainbows,
Accept life and be content.
For Jesus smiles when you do
God loves you, it’s why He was sent.

Love and trust Him on this day
And every day on earth
For He lovingly said, “Don’t Worry”
Worry is only a curse.

Your life is what you make it
With Him as your guide
Jesus said, “Do not be afraid, dear child
I’m right here by your side.”

Beloved be content and happy
Trust Him to hold your hand.
The journey is definitely worth it
When you reach the Promised Land.
©Anna Grace Lee

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