Books #1

I adore books. Of all kinds. My apartment is full of shelves with books, and they actually need a bit of organizing. None needed it more so than my cooking books, however.


I'm sad to say this was not, actually, their final home. About an hour after taking this picture, they all tilted, and the book end with poor Harry on it ended up being pushed off the counter and is currently sitting waiting repairs. My heart broke. I've had these book ends for forever.



So they live here now.

I did this about a week ago. And amazingly, it's all still clean and organized! Which is great, cause that made the search for recipes for my new dietary restrictions much easier to find. So this week I am making recipes from a few of these cookbooks that I've been putting off.

Tonight's dinner (which I will post about tomorrow), is from the Japanese Soul Food book. Niku Udon. I'm so excited.

Any cookbook recommendations? Always looking for more. Much like with all books, you can never have enough. <3

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