#Three life changing books - The Power of Now,waking the tiger,How Come That Idiot's Rich and I'm Not.

There are not many things that have changed my life, certainly I did not think these books would change my life, you see? I'm a child from the 90s who sat in front of a computer from the moment he was born, but these three books made me a much happier and more complete person.
I will talk about three parts that helped me feel more complete with myself, each book plays another part in this role. The three stages are - the way, the tools to achieve the goal and the goal itself.

*the road:

The first book I'll talk about is called

"waking the tiger" The book by Dr. Peter Levine:
Many people are familiar with Freudian psychology, the same psychoanalysis that people do in therapy when we see a movie that someone is lying in an armchair and the therapist asks him a lot of questions and puts him in a trauma vortex to help him out.
Dr. Peter Levine was studying the trauma from another direction. He asked himself, "How is it that animals in nature that are exposed to so many dangers are not traumatized and people who are in a relatively comfortable life get into trauma so frequently?"
Dr. Peter Levine goes deeper into the matter and concludes that therapy must pass through the mind and the body together.
The method of Dr. Peter Levine is called SE - a somatic experience that differs from old methods of treatment that also uses the body to heal the trauma. The book made me understand very well that we are composed of body and soul, and the body is no less important (sometimes more).

*The way to achieve the goal:
We all know that money is an inseparable part of our lives, but the question of how it should be treated has always taught us in films that rich people are slippery and cunning.
There are many people who do not know at all that what prevents them from succeeding in their career is the fear of a lot of money(With all the consequences)..
Robert Shemin explains:
"If you're a kid who hears things like I've heard, then what do you think about money, which is hard to get, scary, impossible to get, look at the movies, where the rich people are bad, greedy, criminals, bad money, corrupting. It's true, no, in fact, the rich give more to charity, except for the exception, rich people are nice and open. "
Robert Shemin's book does not just teach how to make money - the most important thing I learned in his book (not that I'm rich) is how to treat money!
How to treat money is the biggest thing I got from this wonderful book.
The book goes into our subconscious and changes the way we think about money!!

The Power of Now
Sounds like a book that counts a cliché! But not on this case, in his book Eckhart Tolle, which is a world bestseller there are tips for life that are so good that it is difficult to describe, in his book he explains how the source of all happiness drains to our existence in an extraordinary way.

At the beginning of the book, Eckhart Tolle says he had a difficult time in life and he asked his self, "Why do not I get along with myself?" Then he realized there were two Eckhart.
Later in the book he explains that there is our existence and there is the ego, how to break away from the ego and where every moment of happiness that we experience begins, after all, the goal of all of us is to be happy.
Once you read the book you will understand that you have entered a new world. I love books like that!
Not only does Eckhart Tolle have over a million followers on Facebook!!!, he is a person who has changed something in contemporary philosophy, which is very difficult to do in our days

Do you have any interesting books that changed your life? I will be happy to hear!

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