Book Review: "What God Has Brought Together," by R. A. Harris


Picture this: you're an obedient little concubine, kneeling by the front door and waiting for your Master to come home. The door opens. you're a good girl, and well-trained, so you keep your eyes downcast, not looking up until He says so.
He steps toward you, slowly, stopping two feet from you. On cue, you lean forward and kiss both of His feet, the customary greeting.
"I have something for you, little one," He says in that smooth, baritone voice of His, and snaps His fingers, which is the signal for you to look up. As you do, He hands you an early Christmas present and, with a smile, commands you, "open it." Even before unwrapping it you can tell it's a book.
you carefully peel the wrapping paper off and fold it neatly (Master hates when His girl makes a mess) and look at the book your Master has given you.

And to your surprise, it has His own name listed as the author!

i haven't squealed like that since... Well, i'll be a good girl and not finish that sentence. Hehe!

The book is What God Has Brought Together by R. A. Harris. i know not everyO/one on this site has any religious affiliation, but i think Christians who believe in Male Leadership and female servitude will find it useful. One thing i found useful about it is that it is specifically written to women, by a Man. There are plenty of "submit to your Husband" guides written by other women, and plenty of "get Your woman in line" books by Men. However, as far as i am aware, this is the first time i have ever seen a book wherein a Man outlines Biblical proof that the Divine Order is for Men to lead and women to follow, and lays it out for women.

It's broken into 4 sections. The first three days are a 21 day "verse-a-day" guide with Scriptural passages and commentaries demonstrating the Christian Ideal for a marriage. That is, that the Man is the Head of it. Section 1 has seven proofs that women should submit, Section 2 has seven proofs that God Himself absolutely hates when a Man who submits to women, and Section 3 (brace Y/yourselves) is seven proofs that there is nothing sinful about a Man owning more than one woman. Each day, like i said, is two pages: the verse or verses being studied, a commentary, and a space for the reader's own reflections. Finally, Section 4 is a Q & A, which i'll admit was a little disappointing as i'd have preferred it to be arranged in "verse-a-day" format like the rest, but the author is a Man so i'll trust that He had a reason and is wiser than me.

i'll confess that i didn't read it as "a verse a day," but hungrily read the entire book as soon as my Master gave it to me. The information in it, the way the author cuts through so much New-Age Western claptrap and goes straight back to "no, here's what the Bible plainly and clearly says, and it's not ambiguous," was so straightforward and eye-opening that i couldn't say anything other than "wow! i never realized that was even in the Bible!"

It's not expensive (8 bucks on Amazon if you're in the US, plus shipping), it's brief (a little over 80 pages), and it's very information-dense. No fluff or filler, no sugar-coating to avoid hurting feelings, all substance. Frankly, in the humble opinion of a simple slave girl, i think it would make a great gift for every Christian Man to give to His woman.
...Especially if she's unruly and needs a reminder of her place. ;-)

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