Bookmarkable Series: Your Search is Over for a Noteworthy Tool to Manage all your Brilliant Ideas, Random Notes and Interesting Finds [Free]

I have been challenged in the past when creating, capturing, remembering and accessing information. The information could have been important or it could have been trivial but the fact is, when I'm online and see something of interest or if I have a random thought worth keeping or a bright idea worth exploring, it seems like so many ways of trying to save the information results in a big o' mess. It's there... I know it's there but with so many options to manage information, it's never easy to access when I need it!

It's there! Just hard to get. (5).gif
Free GIF from

For me, the days of scrambling to find a pen, texting myself, pulling up Notepad, bookmarking trivial sites, or launching Word or Notepad is over. Where do I even begin to search!

I found a viable alternative to programs that rival the likes of Evernote, OneNote and a host of other applications. In my opinion, it's one of the easiest searchable solutions around. I keep my husband on the same page with business projects and use this to keep track of posting ideas, recipes, etc. I actually like it better than Evernote so I'm about to cut off my Evernote subscription.

Introducing Nimbus Note, Web Clipper and Screen Capture


Nimbus Note Web Interface

nimbus web.JPG

Nimbus Web Clipper Chrome Extension Interface

nimbus clipper.JPG

Nimbus Screenshot and Recorder Chrome Extension Interface

nimbus screenshot.JPG


This is normally the time I go into a step-by-step tutorial on how to use this tool but it's rather easy to use, so I would rather share a few good-to-knows. There's quite a bit to this program so have fun exploring! It's my hope that you find value in the one or all of the Nimbus products.

  • Be sure to download the three Nimbus apps onto your mobile phone.
  • All three programs have Chrome extensions you can install for fast accessibility.
  • Screen Capture is also a Screen Recorder.
  • Syncs to all devices.
  • One place to search.
  • Sharing with others has never been easier.
  • It's free if you keep the data under a certain amount.

Nimbus is #bookmarkable… because some things are just meant to be saved.


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Below are two posts. I used both tools to enhance this post with a GIF.

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