Know Someone With Student Loans? This Book is a Must Read

Hi friends!

So many people I know have student loan debt and it’s a major cause of stress in their lives. There is a lot of confusion around student loans, how they work and how to best navigate your way through them - but no one seems to be talking about it. It’s a much more complex issue than you would think. I’m someone that doesn’t get into debt for pretty much any reason - and so for me, it seems simple - if you borrow money, pay it back. The student loan crisis, however, is riddled with so much corruption, withholding of information and has honestly changed completely in the last few decades.

My friend Larry is one of the leading experts in the country on student loan debt and is launching his book Student Loan Debt Secrets today. I got an early copy of the book and it is SO informative. I learned a ton about the student loan crisis and it’s honestly a must-read for anyone with debt who wants to REALLY understand what is going on in with their student loans and what all their options are.

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The author Larry and I in Toronto at the Steem Creators Conference!

His business College Loan Freedom helps people lower their monthly payments, discover what payment reductions they are eligible for, and make sure all of their paperwork is properly filled for debt forgiveness programs. Basically, they understand the ins and outs of every minute detail about student loans, and they look under the hood of your specific loans and make sure you are taking advantage of all the programs you can be.

It’s an awesome service that makes a big difference in people’s lives. So many people have heard about debt forgiveness and just “assume it will happen” after a certain period of time -but they haven’t actually looked into it at all and probably aren’t prepared.

What’s great about this book - is that Larry is giving away the farm. He’s literally poured every ounce of information he knows into this book to help empower people to take control of their loans and their future. Of course, his company is still happy to offer professional help to people (just like you would hire a tax professional) but he’s taking all of his years of knowledge and sharing it out with this book.

Today only to celebrate his launch, he’s offering it for 99cents. Cool, right? I’d highly recommend grabbing a copy if you have student loans or passing this on to someone you know who does. I got an advance copy of the book to read and can tell you it is super informative! Even though I don’t have any student loans, I found it an incredibly fascinating read. I feel so much more informed now on why we are where we are and what we can do about it moving forward. Not to mention... @larrymorrison and @steemcafe (owners of College Loan Freedom) are some of the coolest cats I know... so go support them and check out his book!


To grab a copy for $.99 today only - check out the book HERE 🤗

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