πŸ“šβœ πŸ“™ Template suggestion for the new Steemit Bookclub!

Please find below my template suggestion for the Steemit Bookclub I suggested in that post earlier in the week.

Please,@sroka87,@taliakerch,@singa,@hanen, and @marinauzelac , take a look at it and let me know in comments what you think about it: is it too short, is it clear? :-).

If you are keen to join, please leave a comment as soon as possible. I am adding in comment the link to a Google doc with the html - anyone is free to copy it if they wish and to readapt it to his/her own need (just mention me the first time you use it).

Doestoevsky's THE IDIOT

BOOK ... - CHAPTER ...


Here, add your own introduction about THE IDIOT or your chapter specifically. Maybe remind what happened in the last chapters and who wrote the article. No need to be very long. Introduce yourself if it's the first time you write for the bookclub, for example, and if you like reading (of course you like reading!). It will be the first thing your user reads.

Cast of Characters

Just list here the characters who are appearing in this chapter (and a short description if you want):
1. Character X
2. Character Y
3. Character Z

What is happening?

Please add here anything relevant about what is going on in this chapter. Since we will all be reading at the same rhythm, don't worry about spoilers... Just tell a summary of the chapter's story, and add your own reflexions about it. Be creative. What are the themes explored? Is there any mystery unfolding? Does it remind you a scene in a movie? Who would play each character in your mind? Did it bore you – tell us why! How do you think the story will keep going? Anything you want, really. Ask the other members what they thought and expose a theory you have about the chapter and the story and characters.

Here is a second paragrah, because this should be the longest part of your post - so you might want to create paragraphs. If you want to create another paragraph, just copy this one with the br right after the last markdown.

Memorable quote from this chapter

Write the quote 1 here

Add here any comment about that quote if you wish it to.

Write the quote 2 here OR DELETE

Add here any comment about that quote if you wish it to OR DELETE

Write the quote 3 here OR DELETE

Add here any comment about that quote if you wish it to OR DELETE


Please add here anything you feel like about the direction the story might take. Send a message to the next participant who will have to write about the next chapter... :)

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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