Dostoyevsky's THE IDIOT Bookclub - Book I, Chapter 14, 15 & 16

Doestoevsky's THE IDIOT

BOOK 1 - CHAPTER 14,15,16


In the chapter XI there is a lot of drama and a permanent tension. Kolya expresses his approval towards Myshkin. The prince asks General Ivolgin to show him where is the house of Nastassya Filipinova, because he wants to attend her party even if he was not invited. Eventually, he arrives at her house with the help of Kolya. In the XII chapter, a new character appears, Hippolite. The author emphasizes the contrast between this character and the prince Myshkin. As Prince Myshkin walks up the staircase to enter Nastassya Filippovna's apartment, he thinks about why is he there. Chapter XII starts with the arrival of the prince to the party who is concerned about what reaction will have Nastassya. The purpose of his visit is to warn her about Ganya’s intention and feeling towards her.

When the prince arrives, Nastassya is impressed by his initiative and says she’s sorry for not thinking of inviting him when she had the chance. He’s expressing his admiration for her being such a perfect woman, but she doesn’t agree with his opinion. After his arrival, the party becomes more entertained.
Ferdyshchenko has a proposal about playing a new game, everyone is obligated to confess the worst thing they ever did. Neither of the participants is pleased with this game, but some agree to play, the only one who is enjoying this idea is Nastassya Filipinova.

Cast of Characters

  • Prince Myshkin
  • Nastassya Filippovna
  • Ganya
  • Totsky
  • General Yepanchin
  • Ptitsyn
  • Ferdyshchenko
  • the maid
  • some of Nastassya’s guest such as her old schoolteacher, an actress, a beautiful woman and a young man
  • Rogojin
  • Lebedeff

What is happening?

The first one who is sharing his experience is Ferdyshchenko, he comes clean about stealing three rubles at a party and then framing the maid who was eventually fired. He doesn’t receive the reactions he expected because everyone is scandalized by his behavior. After that, it’s Ptitsyn turn but he strongly refuses to play the game. The next in line, is General Yepanchin. His story eventually makes him look like a good Samaritan. Totsky’s turn has come and he confesses a very sensitive and tragic love story where a young man is killed. > Nastasia Philipovna’s eyes were flashing in a most unmistakable way, now; and her lips were all a-quiver by the time. Suddenly, she asks the Prince if she should marry Ganya and that she will do exactly what he will say. > The prince tried to speak, but could not form his words; a great weight seemed to lie upon his breast and suffocate him

He says no, and now Totsky and the general are scandalized and shocked about this whole situation. Every person in the room is expecting the next move.

Nastassya says that:

The prince has this to do with it—that I see in him. for the first time in all my life, a man endowed with the real truthfulness of spirit, and I trust him. He trusted me at first sight, and I trust him!’

She is returning the gift to the general and announce she will leave forever. Saved by the bell, there is someone ringing at the door and Ptitsyn thinks it is Rogozhin with the 100,000 rubles, respecting his promise.
It seems Ptitsyn was right. Rogozhin and his friends are joining the party and everyone is amazed about this turnout. Rogozhin admits that his package contains money. Nastassya held a monologue where she expresses her feelings and anger about this whole situation.

This afternoon Rogojin yelled, like a madman, that he would bring me a hundred thousand in the evening, and I have been waiting for him all the while. He was bargaining for me, you know...... Here have I been sitting in my box at the French theater for the last five years like a statue of inaccessible virtue, and kept out of the way of all admirers, like a silly little idiot! Now, there’s this man, who comes and pays down his hundred thousand on the table, before you all, in spite of my five years of innocence.... I see you are still angry with me, Gania! Why, surely you never really wished to take ME into your family? ME, Rogojin’s mistress!
She despite Totsky and how she treated her when she was a young girl, but she decides he is not worthy to marry him. She emphases that she doesn’t deserve anyone.

The prince defends her honor and proposes to her, saying she is an honest woman and she doesn’t deserve all the bad word. Right after that, he amazed the audience with a news about a letter he received announcing a great inheritance. Ptitsyn confirms the legitimacy of the letter.
Nastasia Philipovna agrees to marry the prince, but says he would deserve a woman like AGLAYA and after that she decided to leave with Rogozhin. She admits dreaming about a prince charming like Myshkin, but knows they aren’t compatible.

She is going to test how greedy is GANYA by throwing the package right into the fireplace and only GANYA is allowed to rescue and keep the money. Ganya faints and Nastassya decides to give him her money because he is vainglorious rather than greedy. NASTASSYA LEAVES WITH Rogojin; The prince runs after them. Ganta soon recovers and leaves too.

Totsky and Ptitsyn are having a discussion regarding this event and Totsky concludes that Nastassya Filippovna is a true character, it is a pity that all is gone now.

My favourite moments

The dialogues between Nastassya and Myshkin.

Memorable quotes from this chapter

All is not gold that glitters, you know; and because a man keeps his carriage
he need not be specially virtuous, I assure you, all sorts of people keep carriages.

You are right so far; but I consider that you would be honouring me, and not I you. I am a nobody. You have suffered, you have passed through hell and emerged pure, and that is very much.

I love you! I would die for you. I shall never let any man say one word against you, Nastasia Philipovna! and if we are poor, I can work for both.


These last chapters of the first part were pretty intense with a lot of climaxes. When I first started reading this book I was a bit reticent, but now I LOOK forward to read more and faster. I find the leading characters so enigmatic and intriguing.

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