Styarth prakash 102

IMG-20180825-WA0003.jpg(Question) Whether it is behind the dead or even the husband of the living?
(Answer) happens also.
A nimipichchhav sudhaghe pati mt ..

  • R 0 0 11 | Soo 10 ||
    When the husband is unable to do a son, then order his wife to
    O good luck! The woman who wants to wish good fortune (math) me (other) second husband
    Desire (desire), because now do not expect me to prophesy.
    The woman should be the son of the wife, but the married husband
    Likewise in the service. Similarly, when a woman suffers from pestilential defects,
    If you are unable to, then you should order your husband that you own the Son of Son
    Desire leave me away from any other woman with a desire.
    As did Pandu Raja's woman Kunti and Madri etc. and like Vyas ji
    After the death of Chitragad and Baroquy, the wives of their brothers
    Dudhirashtra and Ambalaika in Ambika by Pandu and Vidur in Vembur
    The history of this is also there.
    Prosto waiting for Dharmakarya Shastra Narosh: Samaj:
    Students will be blessed with good faith and Teesti Vatsaran || 1 ||
    Dates of the world are dead.
    An eleven woman 2 || Manu 0 ||
    Married woman who married the meaning of married husband
    If you went for years, education and kirti then six and Dhanadi went for wish
    If you look for three years, after doing it, you should do the reproduction.
    When a married husband comes, then the appointed husband should be spared. 1 || Likewise for men
    There is also a rule that if one is blind, then eighth (womb to eight years of marriage)
    If not), if you die as a child, then you should be a girl.
    If there is no son, then the eleventh year,
  1. Do not leave the woman except for the other woman. 2 ||
    Similarly, if a man is very sad, then it is appropriate for the woman that
    Leaving the other man with the exception of the son of the same married husband
    The right-wing helper can. Proof of marriage
    And by virtue of doing it, you should improve your own kufa. Like 'auras' means married
    The son born from a husband is the master of the father's substance, so the 'field' means
    Successive sons are also the father's liabilities.
    Now the man and woman should take care of that semen and silver
    Treat it as invaluable. Anyone who has this invaluable substance, orthodox, prostitute or wicked men
    They are great moments in the company of losers. Because the farmers and Mali are also fools
    Without your farm or garden, the seeds do not sow elsewhere. Which
    And this is the current of the fool, so that the best manisharir forms the seed of the tree
    He loses in the Kuksheta because he does not get the result of it; and the soul is the son of the son. This is the word of Brahmana Granths.
    Anatangatangi heart or heart.
    Aa tamasis son ma mritha: sa ji shi rad shah tam ..
    This is the word of Brahmins of Samaveda.
    O son, you are born from semen produced from limb and heart
    That is why you are my soul, did not die before me but live for a hundred years.
    From such bodies such as Mahatma and Mahashayas, the prostitute becomes evil
    Sowing or irrigating in the field is a work of great detergent in a good area.
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