Stickability by Greg S. Reid

Pg 7 Regardless of how well educated you may be, or how responsible your job may be, or how much money you may have, if you cant induce people to like you, if you cant get along with all sorts of people under all sorts of circumstances, you can never become a great success in any undertaking

Pg 12 The man who cannot or will not make up his mind quickly and definitely when he has all of the necessary facts to enable him to do so, will change his mind quickly at the first sign of obstacles, or he will allow other people to talk him into changing his mind

Pg 20 Its been estimated that a fourteen-year-old kid with a smartphone now has access to more information in his pocket than the president of the United States did a mere eighteen years ago

Pg 74 Hole-in-one Policy: Very common in funding big prizes for golf matches. If somebody makes a hole in one and is entitled to a large sum of money, the insurance company provides the money for the prize and the organizer only has to pay the premium. This is a safe bet as the chances of a hole in one are very slim. The risk is very low for the insurance company

Pg 113 Statistics show that 70% of the Make-A-Wish children win the battle with their disease and actually survive

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