LinkedIN Riches

Instead of having your profile read like an online résumé, you need to make it all about how you can help a specific, targeted audience of customers and clients achieve their goals by utilizing your service or product.

it’s natural human curiosity and instinct to want to look someone directly in the eye, and sunglasses prevent that.

What You Want To Convey with Your LinkedIn Professional Headline Your LinkedIn headline needs to convey in 125 characters (or around 18-20 words): -- Who You Are -- What You Do -- Audiences You Serve -- Value/Benefit You Bring Customers -- Credibility/Social Proof

So instead of listing your job title in your LinkedIn professional headline, I want you to tell me (as a potential client) what you can do to help me achieve my goals!

Remember: You can’t succeed on LinkedIn trying to be everything to everyone. Instead, you must define a few niche, target audiences to appeal to, and then build outward from there.

Once upon a time, my business coach told me a marketing truth I never forgot: A confused prospect never buys.

Price is only an issue in the absence of value!

don’t ask for someone’s time or attention. I earn it. The way it works online is simple – I have to provide you value first, and then my “ask” of you has to be in direct proportion to the value I’ve provided.

“What has happened, in the last twenty years in particular, is that the only people who are achieving their dreams, the only people who are creating value, the only people who are being fairly compensated, are the ones who have figured out how to stand out.

The more memorable, likable and trustworthy you are, the more people will want to do business with you.

For example, I might ask a prospect, “Hey, so glad we connected, and just curious – what’s your biggest challenge or frustration with using LinkedIn for business these days?”

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